溫馨提示 爵豹臺球標準配置:雅樂美TV球、JABOW 860臺佈、LED組合燈、高級球桿2支、架桿 球桿架 三角框 球盤各1個, 加價總計2000元;
低配:仿球 中等佈 喇叭燈等全配置800元
1、 細膩花豹紋路,外觀防火硬度強,盡顯爵士勁豹風度。
2、 外形流線美觀,結構紮實穩固不晃動。
3、 石板厚度30毫米。三塊石板整體加工,表麵水平,有利球滾動順暢。
4、 顆星標準(彈性高度、吃塞程度準確)。
5、 球袋口開囗角度確準。
6、 使用俄羅斯百年雲杉木,經過蒸汽除脂烘乾和冷風乾等獨特生產工藝處理。保證臺球木材部份適應世界各地氣候穩定而不變形,並具有良好防腐性能。
7、 使用鋅合金彎角鑄件,精加工鍍霧鉻,美觀經久不變。
8、 球袋和球道采用獨特塑料橡膠配方。球袋落球聲音清脆,球道滾球消聲良好。
9、 腳座和腳盤整體外觀鑄件,支撐力強,穩定性好,美觀氣派。
The excellences and features of Jabow Billiard Table
- 1. Exquisite leopard skin grain and high quality fireproofing, a jazzy grace would be displayed perfectly.
- 2. Beautiful and Streamline Appearance, Steady and Well-knit Structure.
- 3. 3 cmthick smooth slate, on which ball can roll smoothly.
- 4. Standard dimension and elasticity.
- 5. Accurate angle of pocket position.
- 6. Hundred year’s Russian spruce, it was dried by air and heat so as to wipe off fat. Also, a special processing was took to ensure the timber is fit for different climate in different area of the world. What’ more, is has good erode resistance and no easily distortion
- 7. Zinc and gold combinated casting, exquisite plating with chromium, not only beautiful but also long term steadiness.
- 8. Pocket and ball way adopts unique plastic and rubber. Ball bumping sounds silvery and rolling is smoothly. Excellent noise elimination techniques.
- 9. The chassis, legleveers and whole casting with strong sustentation. It is beautiful and unique.
The series of Jabow billiard table are produced under the supervision of Professor Lin zhenghuang and professor Lo Sui.
