Pure& Magic
- 富含稀土元素,特別是高含量的鑭化合物。它能幫助反硝化菌在底砂下層(缺氧層),建立有效穩定的反硝化系統,分解硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽。因此不會經歷如活石開缸的暴藻過程,以後的飼養過程中不會形成藻群。
- 原料來源於稀土豐富的天然珊瑚礁巖地區,經納米陶瓷技術加工而成。
- 質地堅硬,顆粒均勻,微孔發達,孔隙率大,幾乎沒有粉塵。具有促進底床氣體交換,類似微生物翻砂功能。不用洗滌,可直接鋪設。同時,由於其本身質地堅硬,蝦虎類喜歡啃食沙石的魚類不易將其嚼碎形成粉狀。
- 具有穩定的化學性能,耐磨擦、抗沖擊、耐腐蝕、比表麵積大,截污能力強,吸附性能好,不易崩解,與自然界珊瑚礁發達海域的海砂相似。飼養中,長時間不洗沙也可以維持沙子的本色,大大提升瞭觀賞效果。減少瞭飼養過程中的工作量。
- 具分子篩功能,可吸附底床中的氨、硫化氫等有害氣體,有效活化底床。可調節水中的pH值在8.2左右,吸附水中殘留的重金屬及色素,達到澄清水質的功效。
- 可自然釋放出稀土等微量元素,有效提供珊瑚發色的痕跡量營養元素。飼養過程中能有效抑製諸如蛋白蟲等低等生物的發生。
Pure& Magic
The Coral Sand Containing Lanthanum
Why thecoral reef rock aquarium bottom sand need to use? For a sea aquarium, especially of soft and hard corals, bottom sand in a tank, a very important position, it is not only a decoration, it also has the function of the "biological filtration". Aerobic layer on the surface of the bottom sand is the cultivation of nitrifying bacteria. The sea aquarium under the luxuriant appearance, however, have to say about the dangers of the sea bottom sand is very big, bottom sediment accumulation capacity, equivalent to the accumulation of organic matter and the accumulation of a large amount of nitrate and phosphate, and these factors on the breeding of soft and hard corals are deadly. So, bottom sediment must have stable denitrification ability, can be considered to be a good system. But effective and stablestiring biological community is difficult to form, once combined with water quality changes, theecological chain onbottom sand has a chance to mutate. So difficult to control the system, make ordinary players. Therefore, " wash the bottom sand " has become maintain sea reef aquarium heavy work. Today, the PM coral sand containing lanthanum to solve the difficulties, make the sea reef aquarium maintenance easier. The contribution from the PM coral sand containing lanthanum the following outstanding features:
- Rich in rare earth elements, especially high levels of lanthanum compounds. It can help the denitrifying bacteria in the sand at the bottom of the lower layer (hypoxia), establish an effective and stable denitrification system, the decomposition of nitrate and phosphate. So as not to experience such as the outbreak oflower algae inestablish sea reef aquarium processwithliving stones, later won't beformedlower algae group in thebreeding process.
- Raw material from rare earth rich natural coral rock area, the PM coral sand containing lanthanummade inthe nanometer ceramics technology.
- Hard, uniform particles, microporous developed, porosity, almost no dust. With promoting bottom sand gas exchange, stiring function similar to microorganisms. Don't wash, can be directly laid. At the same time, due to its own hard,the Blenny like eating sand fish powder is not easy to chew it formation.
- Has stable chemical properties, friction resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, large specific surface area,cut-offsewage capability is strong, adsorption performance is good, not easy to collapse, similar to the sea sandofnatural coral reefs Developed regions. Feeding, long time not to wash also can maintain the color sand, greatly improved the viewing effect. To reduce the workload in the breeding process.
- With the function of molecular sieve, can adsorption bed of harmful gases such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, activate the ‘bottom bed’. Adjustable water pH at around 8.2, the adsorption of heavy metal residue and pigment in water, to clarify the effect of water quality.
- Can be naturally releasethe microelement such as rare earths, effectively provide coralcolor development required trace amount of nutrient elements. Breeding process can effectively restrain the occurrence of lower organisms such as ‘protein insect’.
