1. 自給式壓縮空氣呼吸保護裝置,僅用於從危險氣體的場所逃生。不得用於救火、進入缺氧艙或液貨艙,也不得供消防隊員穿著使用。 2. 緊急逃生呼吸裝置的壓縮氣瓶上裝有一個壓力表。在貯存過程中,壓力表不顯示氣源壓力。 3. 緊急逃生呼吸裝置裝備一個能遮蓋頭部、頸部、肩部的防火焰頭罩,頭罩上有一個清晰、寬闊、明亮的觀察視窗。 4. 操作簡便,打開氣瓶閥上頭罩即可,無其它任何附加動作。
1 The EEBDs are only used for escape from a compartment that has a hazardous atmoasphere to provide personnel breathing protection .Not to be used for fighing rire,entering oxygen defi-cient voids or tanks,or worn by fire fighters. 3 There is a pressure gauge on the cylinder to indicate the cylinder pressure .The cylinder pressure of EEBD is not indicated by a pressure gauge during storaging. 3 The hood is a flame resistant head cover which completely covers the head,neck,and may cover portions of the shoulders,there is a clear window on it. 4 Easy to use,open the cylinder valve and put the hood on head when use.
型號Type | 氣瓶容積Cylinder Volvme | 工作壓力Working Pressure | 氣瓶貯氣量Storingair L | 供氣流量Suppoy airflow | 使用時間Service Duration | 重量Weight | 使用或存放Service-life(年) |
THB/10-1 | 2.2 | 21 | ? 400 | ≥ 35 | ≥ 10 | ≤ 6 | 15 |
THB/15-1 | 3 | 21 | ? 600 | ≥ 35 | ≥ 15 | ≤ 8.5 | 15 |
