GSM防盜報警器 99無線+7有線紅外報警器 歐美規433英文出口報警器!均為實物自拍實景圖,接受訂製OEM,歡迎咨詢訂製!
n 7路有線,99路無線防區。
n LCD顯示,內置時鐘,直觀方便。
n 全程語音提示,操作簡單。
n 3組定時佈防,3組定時撤防。
n 預設6組報警電話,主機自動撥打電話語音告警。
n 預設3組短信電話,主機自動發送短信告警。
n 10秒人工錄音留言。
n 內置數字語音器,人工智能自動播報警情。
n 內置中文短信息,人工智能自動發送。
n 短信遠程佈撤防,報警信息9條查詢功能。
n 佈防、報警延時時間可設置。
n 內置無線發射器,方便連接無線警笛。(定製功能)
n 電話叩機,通過主機鍵盤撥號能與任何電話通話。
n 一鍵操控,外出佈防、在傢佈防、遙控佈防、異地電話佈防。
n 求救、火災、煤氣、門鎖、大廳、窗戶、陽臺、周界警訊。
n 即時、延時、24小時、旁路多種防區編程功能。
n 無線學習對碼,增加新配件方便快捷、安全高效。
n 異地遠程遙控,主機佈防、撤防、監聽對講等功能。
n 內置AAANI-HM可充電池組,斷電報警功能。
Function Instruction:
7 wired and 99 wireless defense zones;
LCD screen with time clock display;
Voice prompt for all operations;
3 groups of timely arm and disarm;
Can store 6 phone numbers: when alarming, system will make alarm call to these numbers automatically;
Can store 3 SMS numbers: when alarming, system will send alarming SMS automatically;
10-second automatic message recording;
Built-in artificial intelligent digital voice announcer;
Built-in artificial intelligent English message;
Users can make calls by using keypad on alarm panel, just like a telephone;
One-key-control function: Out Arm, Home Arm, Remote Arm;
SOS, fire, gas, door, hall, window, balcony, and boundary places alarm;
Real-time, delay, 24 hours, bypass defense zones programming function;
Wireless coding: easy to add additional wireless accessories;
Remote control Arm, Disarm, Monitor, and Intercom by phone;
Built-in AAA NI-HI rechargeable battery: make alarm when power off;
