上海墨竹機械設備有限公司 經銷批發的螺桿式壓縮機、空壓機三濾批發、螺桿機專用油、溫控閥、進氣閥、最小壓力閥、油標、電磁閥、壓力傳感器、溫度傳感器、OPT皮帶、安全閥、回油單向閥、主控器麵板、接觸器、冷卻器、進氣軟管、無動力乾燥機、精密過濾器、油水分離器暢銷消費者市場,在消費者當中享有較高的地位,公司與多傢零售商和代理商建立瞭長期穩定的合作關系。上海墨竹壓縮機有限公司經銷的螺桿式壓縮機、空壓機三濾批發、螺桿機專用油、溫控閥、進氣閥、最小壓力閥、油標、電磁閥、壓力傳感器、溫度傳感器、OPT皮帶、安全閥、回油單向閥、主控器麵板、接觸器、冷卻器、進氣軟管、無動力乾燥機、精密過濾器、油水分離器品種齊全、價格合理。上海墨竹壓縮機有限公司實力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保證產品質量,以多品種經營特色和薄利多銷的原則,贏得瞭廣大客戶的信任。 聯系電話:13818896692吳斌^_^
Shanghai bamboo mechanical device limited company in the wholesale distribution of the screw compressor, air compressor filter wholesale, screw machine oil, temperature control valve, inlet valve, minimum pressure valve, oil standard, electromagnetic valve, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, OPT belt, a safety valve, check valve, main control panel, contactor, cooler inlet hose, without power, dryer, precision filter, oil-water separator best-selling consumer market, consumers enjoy a high status, with many retailers and agents to establish a long-term stable cooperative relations. Shanghai bamboo compressor limited distribution of the screw compressor, air compressor filter wholesale, screw machine oil, temperature control valve, inlet valve, minimum pressure valve, oil standard, electromagnetic valve, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, OPT belt, a safety valve, check valve, main control panel, contactor, cooler, air inlet hose, unpowered dryer, precision filter, oil-water separator varieties complete, reasonable price. Shanghai bamboo compressor limited company strength, re-credit, observe the contract, to ensure product quality, more variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits, win the trust of the majority of customers. Tel: 13818896692 Wu Bin ^_^
