買傢聲明 :產品圖片,尺寸及價格僅供參考,詳
我們是木製品生產廠傢,以時下報價為準 恭迎
我是藝泰包裝的小二,我們現在支持各類木質包裝盒定做加工業務,現因迎接雙十一活動的到來,故引爆全場大促銷,歡迎有需求的您致電——歐先生 13922382909
Guangzhou art Thai packaging packaging is a independent research and development design, production, sales set a professional production and processing company, main products include wooden box, leather box, jewelry boxes, watches boxes, motor box furnishing articles, jewelry, jewelry display shelf boxes and other products, customers in addition to the Chinese market, and even exported to European and American countries and Asian border region; We have a complete and scientific quality management system. Guangzhou art Thai packaging co., LTD of integrity, strength and product quality obtain industry acceptance. Welcome friends from all walks of life come to visit, guidance and business negotiation.
