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    混色混圖是《愛情 卡通 祝福 3類混發的 指顏色 圖 形狀混批的。





    浙江盛輝工藝孔明燈廠傢質量保證       阻燃紙孔明燈 看好數量你自己拍《一口價格》有大量現貨



    Splendid time line arts and crafts manufacturers, the company is engaged in paper processing enterprises manufacturing crafts, the company is located in famous tourist city of taizhou Yangtze river delta 'ShenXianJu' 50 kilometers from yiwu international trade city, geographical condition is superior, is the domestic large-scale production base of sky lantern.



    My company's purpose: honesty pragmatic, serious do every a kongmin light, let every customer to buy the best quality of sky lantern.




    Large supply of kongmin light, can also according to customers' special requirements of professional, at the same time undertake foreign trade orders, welcome to negotiate. Quality assurance - there are buyers welcome security guarantee order rest assured!







    數量大的朋友價格還可以商量 本店已經加入買傢保障 請大傢放心購買 心形8種顏色


    批 -發 -須 -知   


    圖孔明燈有三大系列: 愛情類、卡通類祝福類。









     愛〉〈玫瑰花〉〈福字圖案〉.〈心心相印〉〈萬事如意〉〈招財進寶〉《一箭穿心》 《福娃》等等30多種圖















    絕對顏色最正最均勻 紙質厚實包皮鐵圈骨架













    【顏 色】有紅、橙、黃、綠、蘭、紫、粉、白、玫紅共9種顏色都是















     【材 質】孔明燈/天燈專用阻燃紙,顏色鮮艷、質地厚實。安全防火。











      ①the company's goods in the market sales price is the cheapest, maybe some people will say cheap quality assurance, but all buyers please rest assured, our goods are cheap because we in the large-scale procurement and mass production on a reduced costs, but not in the quality of the lower. We are a large professional lighting manufacturers, products exquisite appearance quality assurance. The low price strategy because of our mass production volume, low cost, to cultivate long-term cooperation customers.








     ②the lanterns of paper thickness fuel block thickness is good use of materials, please friends with other manufacturers products do, see from the customer's objective evaluation.







     ③since this is bulk cheap commodity, the daily shipments of large, color or pattern may be temporarily suspended, the factory staff will temporary random delivery, please understanding.








     ④some customers may find the individual quality problems, a large amount of cheap goods such as100,1,2quality problems is normal. Whether our company or other companies can not avoid some of the transport, or in the production of a little problem.







     ⑤the company all the goods are the same, any manufacturers are trying to avoid quality problems. We have a common idea, we want to develop long-term customers, customers want to find long-term good source of goods.





     ⑥the pictures are taken in kind, but because the photography light, angle, each display different pictures and objects, there may be a certain color, so if the goods have questions please clap the merchandise before give us a message, to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, if only because you all this product color, or style, or other is not the cause of quality problems, we do not accept the returned, I hope you can understand and cooperate! Thank you.




     Ask: what is the lamp?


     答: 許願燈即是經現代工藝改良生產的孔明燈,之所以叫孔明燈,一來是做出來後的天燈有點像孔明先生所戴的帽子,二來傳說當年孔明被司馬懿圍困,全軍上下束手無策,諸葛亮出一妙計,命人拿來白紙千張,糊成無數個天燈,再利用膨脹的熱空氣帶著它們升空,一個個小小的天燈升起,加上營內的人咋呼著:諸葛先生坐著天 燈突圍啦!,司馬懿竟然信以為真,被蒙騙瞭過去,此計救瞭諸葛先生一命。此後孔明燈被民間廣為流傳,以求平安。


     Answer  the lamp is with modern technology to improve the production of the lanterns, are called sky lanterns, as is done a bit like Mr. Kong Ming lantern wearing the hat, and the legend that Kong Ming Sima Yi was trapped, the army. Shriveled, Zhu Geliang a coup, life for thousands of white paper, paste into thousands of lanterns, again using the expansion of hot air to carry them off, a little lantern rises, plus the camp who hailed:" Mr. Zhuge sitting day light break out of an encirclement!" Actually, Sima Yi for gospel truth, be deceived in the past, this plan to save Zhuge 's life. Thereafter the lanterns are popular, in order to peace.



     Ask: lamp is used to do?


     答: 過去,放孔明燈多作為祈福之用。在放飛前親手寫下祝福的心願,所以也叫許願燈或天燈。民間已有許多地方有在新年或結婚生子等時候都放飛孔明燈的風俗。現在,孔明燈燈已廣泛運用於組織郊遊、聚會、婚慶、生辰、節日、年輕人約會示愛及廣告宣傳等方麵,也就慢慢成為可以許願的許願燈。


     Answer: in the past, put lanterns much use as a blessing. Flying before write a blessing wish, also called the lamp or the lantern. People have been many place at a time when new year or get married and have children all over China customs. Now, the lantern lamp has been widely applied in the picnic, party, wedding, birthday, festival, young people date displays and advertising and other aspects, will slowly become can wishing lamp.




     Ask: why the lights would fly to the sky?



    答: 孔明燈即是現代熱氣球的前身,燈內部經燃燒使空氣受熱膨脹而升空。然而為何熱空氣會飄浮呢?我們可用阿基米德原理來解釋它:當物體與空氣同體積,而重量 (密度)比空氣小時就可飛起,此與水之浮力的道理是相同的。將球內之空氣加熱,球內之一部份空氣會因空氣受熱膨脹而從球體流出,使內部空氣密度比外部空氣 小,因此充滿熱空氣之球體就會飛起來。


     Answer: China is modern hot air balloon 's predecessor, lamp interior by combustion to heat the air expansion and launch. But why hot air float? We use the Archimedes principle to explain it: when the object and the air with the same volume, and weight ( density ) than air hour can fly, with the water buoyancy principles are the same. Put the ball in the air heating, the ball part of the air due to thermal expansion of air from the ball out, so that the internal air density than the outside air is small, so full of hot air ball will fly.



    Ask: the light is with what material do, how big, safe?


     答: 出售的許願燈都是用經過改良的阻燃紙純手工製作(非一般市麵出售的含甲醇等有毒物質製作的抗燃紙),燃料為固體混合型(外層蠟,裡層棉等獨傢配方)。在沒有上升力的時候燃料塊會自動熄滅,絕對安全。燃料塊燃料時間長,火焰比液體燃料或固體酒精更大更有光芒,晚上施放看得更清楚!室外放飛能輕松達到1000 米高空!肉眼所能看到天燈飄浮的時間大至在25分鐘。


    Answer: the sale of the lamp are improved fire-retardant pure handmade paper ( not sold in the market of methanol containing toxic substances such as produced by the fire resistant paper ), mixed solid fuel ( outer layer of wax, cotton and other exclusive formula). In the absence of force when the fuel block can be automatically extinguished, absolute safety. Fuel block fuel for a long time, flame than liquid or solid alcohol more ray of light, cast see more clearly at night! Outdoor flying can easily reach 1000meters altitude! The naked eye can see the lantern floating time to25 minutes.




     Ask: can be repeated to fly, how to save?



    答: 許願燈在燃料燒完後便會下降,這時已無明火,受風向的影響,這時候隻能看風向決定它的去從瞭!如果用繩子拉住的話,當上空風比較大的時,許願燈因被牽製而過度傾斜,出於安全考慮不建議使用!出售的許願燈完全符合環保要求,落地可降解!許願燈保存很簡單,燈體和燃料塊可長期保存,放置乾燥通風處即可!


    Answer: the lamp in the fuel burns will fall, then has no fire, by the wind direction effect, this time only to see it go from the wind direction decision! If you use the rope to pull the living words, when the wind over relatively large, lamp was pinned down while the excessive tilt, due to security concerns do not recommend the use of! Sell lamp completely meets the requirements of environmental protection, land degradation! Wishing light preservation is very simple, a lamp body and a fuel block can be stored for a long time, placed in dry and ventilated place!




      The origin of Lantern


     祈福天燈,又稱許願孔明燈。它是一種可以放飛的燈,祈福迎祥、光輝燦爛。人們對它雖耳熟能詳卻又倍感陌生。奇妙而令人神往!天燈有著悠久的歷史文化,頗具民 間特色。相傳,三國時期的蜀漢丞相諸葛亮(字孔明)所發明,天燈的外形和畫像中孔明的帽子很相似。當年,諸葛亮被司馬懿圍困於平陽,無法派兵出城求救。孔明算準風向,製成會飄浮的紙燈籠,裡麵紮著求救的訊息,其後果然脫險,後人為紀念孔明這位足智多謀的傑出人物,在1千多年前就能利用熱氣做出天燈,稱此燈 為孔明燈。天燈以嶄新的姿態從遠古走來,它看上去簡單無奇,但點燃後便會奇妙地騰空而起,融入千米星空。夜幕中憑空躍起一顆璀璨的明星,當你陶醉在這縷星光閃爍、海市蜃樓般的壯觀景象時,孰不知這一民間技藝已失傳一千七百多年瞭,至今仍折射出燦爛的光芒。傳說,天燈具有神奇的靈氣,隻要你將心願寫在天 燈上,隨著天燈冉冉升向蒼穹,凝視星空便能實現心中美好的願望。人們充滿希冀的稱它為向上天祈福的願望之翼。當漆黑的夜空天燈燦爛之時,會給都市的夜 空增添一道亮麗的風景。讓天燈普照大地,照亮未來,光輝燦爛,降福人間。你,是否有幾多心願,那麼讓天燈帶著你五彩的夢,遨遊天際。燃起天燈,冉起希望,讓我們心想事成,美夢成真


     Pray blessing ceremony, also called a lantern. It is a flying light, shine with great splendor, praying luck. It is for having heard it many times and so strange. Wonderful and look attractive! The lantern has a long history and culture, a civil characteristics. According to legend, the period of the Three Kingdoms Shuhan Prime Minister Zhu Geliang ( Kong Ming the invention of words ), the lantern shape and portraits of Kong Ming hat very similar. That year, Zhu Geliang Sima Yi was trapped in Pingyang, not to send troops out of the city for help. Ming is right direction, make can float paper lantern, the inside bar distress message, subsequently and escape, to memorize Kong Ming the resourcefulness of the outstanding figures, in 1000 years ago can use heat to make the lantern, called the" Lantern lights". The lantern with a new attitude came from the ancient times, it looks simple and ordinary, but after the fire will be wonderful to the sky, into the sky. The night air. A shining star, when you are immersed in the strands of starlight, mirage spectacles, what does not know this folk art has been lost for one thousand years, still reflects the bright light. Legend, the lantern has a magical aura, as long as you would wish to write in the day light, as the sky lanterns slowly rise to the sky, looking at the stars can realize your desire. People full of hope, called it to heaven to pray " wings of desire". And when the dark night sky lantern brilliant, will give the city the night sky to add a beautiful landscape. Let the sky lanterns shine, to illuminate the future, shine with great splendor, blessing the world. You, if there is much desire, so let the lantern with you dream in color, in the sky. Light the lantern, Jean hope, let us all wishes come true, dreams come true

            Welcome foreign friends come to visit.

    產品名稱 不燃紙 報告編號 20011114
    檢驗依據 GB/T 1456-93 ,GA 159-1997
    養護條件 溫度 23℃ 濕度 50%
    編號 檢驗項目 檢驗方法 技術指標 檢驗結果 結論
    1 斷裂強力損失率(%) GB/T 3923.1-1997 ≤35 15 合格
    2 續焰時間(s) GB/T 14656-93 ≤5 0 合格
    3 續灼燃時間時間(s) GB/T 14656-93 ≤60 <1 合格
    4 炭化長度(mm) GB/T 14656-93 ≤115 45 合格
    5 氧指數(%) GB/T 5454-1997 ≥32 33 合格
    6 吸潮率(%) GA 159-1997 ≤30 5 合格
    7 外觀 GA 159-1997 無結晶、對外觀無明顯影響 符合要求 合格
    8 檢驗結論 該阻燃紙所有指標均符合規定要求,按GB/T 14656-93和GA 159-1997綜合判定,該產品質量合格。


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