XSJ型雙螺旋擠漿機,主要用於造紙製漿的黑液提取。其工作過程是紙漿由噴放倉的出料口或高濃水力碎漿機的以及經初步濃縮的漿料出漿口進入該雙螺旋擠漿機的進料口,通過左、右螺旋軸的反向旋轉,紙漿由一端被推向另一端。同時,由於左右螺旋軸的螺距由大變小和螺旋軸底徑由細變粗,故紙漿在運動中受到連續的擠壓,從而使黑液通過篩板孔眼擠出,被擠乾的漿料則經出料口排出。 本設備結構簡單,占地麵積小,操作方便,使用可靠。是製漿造紙廠黑液綜合利用理想的提取設備。 本機主要由螺旋軸、機座、齒輪、進漿口、篩鼓、篩板、減速器、聯軸器、電動機等組成。 本機適用於木、竹、蔗渣、麥草、蘆葦等為原料的紙漿黑液提取,同時也可用於廢紙脫墨漿的黑液提取,本機如多臺串聯,則黑液提取效果更好。
Patent Number: 200730016529.3
Double Helix crowded XSJ-pulp, paper pulp for the extraction of black liquor. Its work is the process of spraying by the pulp put out the warehouse I expected or high water concentration pulper, as well as the initial concentration of the pulp slurry into the mouth of the double helix squeeze machine feed the population through the right and left of the screw shaft Reverse spin, by the end of the pulp to be on the other side. At the same time, due to spiral around the pitch axis and the small change by the end of screw shaft diameter from Biancu fine, the pulp in motion by the continuous extrusion, so that the black hole through the plate out, the slurry Jigan After a while I expected to discharge. The device structure is simple, small footprint, easy to use and reliable. Pulp and paper mill black liquor is the ideal utilization of the extraction equipment. Local spiral from the main shaft, base, gear, pulp into the mouth, drum sieve, sieve, reducer, coupling, electrical components and so on. Local applied to wood, bamboo, bagasse, wheat straw, reeds, and other raw materials for pulp extraction of black liquor, as well as DIP can be used to extract the black liquor, such as the local multiple series, the extraction of black liquor better .
Double Helix crowded XSJ-pulp, paper pulp for the extraction of black liquor. Its work is the process of spraying by the pulp put out the warehouse I expected or high water concentration pulper, as well as the initial concentration of the pulp slurry into the mouth of the double helix squeeze machine feed the population through the right and left of the screw shaft Reverse spin, by the end of the pulp to be on the other side. At the same time, due to spiral around the pitch axis and the small change by the end of screw shaft diameter from Biancu fine, the pulp in motion by the continuous extrusion, so that the black hole through the plate out, the slurry Jigan After a while I expected to discharge. The device structure is simple, small footprint, easy to use and reliable. Pulp and paper mill black liquor is the ideal utilization of the extraction equipment. Local spiral from the main shaft, base, gear, pulp into the mouth, drum sieve, sieve, reducer, coupling, electrical components and so on. Local applied to wood, bamboo, bagasse, wheat straw, reeds, and other raw materials for pulp extraction of black liquor, as well as DIP can be used to extract the black liquor, such as the local multiple series, the extraction of black liquor better .
