ZSC系列雙錐體高效高濃除渣器是它利用纖維與雜質不同,而使重雜質從紙漿中分離出來,達到凈化紙漿的目的。該除渣器占地麵積小,生產能力大,操作方便,不堵塞排渣口,凈化效率高,漿料僅一次通過除渣器,不需尾漿處理設備,纖維流失為零,錐體耐磨耐壓,使用壽命長。 The ZSC high-efficient high-thickness removing residue implement utwzes different from specific gravity of impunty and fibres and the heavy impurity separate out from thee paper pulp,achieve the goal of purifying paper pullp. With small floor space,the production capacity of implement a large,easy,to operate,not stopping up and arranging the dreg mouth. It is with high high efficiency to purify,the thick liquid material only passes the removing rdsidue implement once,without the equipment that deal with the end thick liquid. Without any fibre. It is able to bear pressing that the awl body is wear resisting.having long performances life.