HY-100 Resin Capture Device Instructions
1、用途Application scope
在特種工藝處理設備中,設備進出口配液裝置采用大阻力配水方式,濾元即是其中一種較好的方式。水帽采用濾元組裝而成,廣泛應用於化工、電子、醫藥、環保等眾多領域。In the special craft processing equipment, Distributor of importer and exporter of equipment using large resistance, Sieve tube is one of the way. Resin capture device using Sieve tube have been assembled, widely used in chemical、electronic、pharmaceutical、environmental protection, etc。
2、產品介紹Product introduction
水帽根據流量分為0.5T/h、1T/h、2T/h、3T/h等多種規格。縫隙按照其使用的范圍分為0.1mm、0.15mm、0.2mm、0.25mm、0.3mm、0.5mm、1.0mm等多種規格;材質分為不銹鋼(304SS、321SS、316SS、316L)、塑料(ABS、PE、PP)等種類。Standard resin capture device according to flow into 0.5 T/h, 1 T/h, 2 T/h , 3 T/h and so on。According to the scope of using is divided into 0.1 mm, 0.15 mm and 0.2 mm and 0.25 mm and 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm and so on; Material including stainless steel (304 SS, 321 SS, 316 SS, 316 L), plastic (ABS, PE, PP)。
3、製作工藝Production process
水帽的繞絲采用電腦自動焊,逐個部件打磨光滑後組裝,焊接後進行特殊熱處理,然後進行電鍍拋光處理,最後檢驗封裝。Sieve tube of Resin capture device by computer automatic welding, grinding smooth parts after one assembly, after welding the special heat treatment is done, then electroplating、polishing treatment, inspection final package.
