馬鞍山力長機械主要產品有:數控液壓折彎機、數控液壓擺式/閘式剪板機矩型風管自動生產線、共板式(TDF)法蘭成型機、插接式(TDC)法蘭成型機、咬口機、折邊機、調平壓筋機、轆線機、卷板機、角鐵卷圓機、剪圓機、剪角機、聯合沖剪機、沖床、液壓鉚接機等等。本公司將竭盡所能為您提供最完善的售後服務! 馬鞍山力長機械免費咨詢熱線:400-016-2122 溫 馨 提 示 產品圖片、屬性及價格等僅供參考,詳情請來電或旺旺咨詢! 以下是圖片展示,機床詳細介紹(包括中文版、英文版文字介紹) 

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液壓閘式剪板機 ![~@Q$RI)]4AUK@AGDKN89W[W](https://cbu01.alicdn.com/img/ibank/2015/775/734/2115437577_679215924.jpg)

風管生產線註意事項: 1、嚴格按照操作規程進行操作。 2、每次開機前按潤滑圖表要求定時、定點、定量加潤滑油,油應清潔無沉淀。 3、機床必須經常保持清潔,未油漆的部分應塗抹防銹油脂。 4、電動機軸承內的潤滑漾油要定期更換加註,並經常檢查電器部分工作是否正常安全可靠。 5、定期檢查鏈條、手柄、旋鈕、按鍵是否損壞,磨損嚴重的應及時更換,並報備件補充。 6、定期檢查修理開關、保險、手柄、保證其工作可靠。 7、每天下班前10分鐘,對機床加油潤滑及擦洗清潔機床。 8、嚴禁非指定人員操作該設備,平常必須做到人離機停。 Maintenance method for simple rectangular duct production line 1, strictly follow the operation procedures for operation. 2, every time before the start of the lubrication chart to require the timing, fixed point, quantitative lubricating oil, oil should be clean without precipitation. 3, machine tools must often keep clean, the part of the paint should be coated with rust preventive grease. 4, motor bearing lubrication overflow oil should be changed regularly filling, and always check whether the normal work of safe and reliable electrical parts. 5, regularly check the chain, handle, knob, key press whether damage, wear serious should be replaced, and to spare parts for spare. 6, check the repair switch, insurance, handle, guarantee its work reliably. 10, 7 minutes before work every day, lubrication and cleaning machine tool for machine tools. 8, non designated personnel to operate the device, usually must be done to stop the machine. 

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