名稱 | 全自動四振盤糖果數粒包裝機組 | Name | Auto number-counting﹠packing machine |
型號 | HYL-100S-4 | Model | HYL-100S-4 |
氣源 | 0.24米/分,0.6兆帕 | Air consumption | 0.24㎡/min , 0.6Mpa |
袋子類型 | 三邊封,四邊封方形袋 | Bag style | Three of four sides sealed sachets,or square sachets |
計量范圍 | 1-100顆/袋 | Volume | 0-100grains/bag |
製袋規格 | 長50-120mm寬30-90mm | Bag size | L 50-120 mm;W30-90mm |
包裝速度 | 20-60包/分鐘 | Speed | 20-60bags/min |
控製方式 | PLC控製系統+中英文顯示屏 | Control style | plc control system+ Chinese/English interface |
機箱外觀 | 鋼板噴漆/不銹鋼板 | Bodyshell | Sheet steel spray painted / stainless steel |
總功率 | 1500瓦 | Power | 1500w |
電源 | 交流220V單相/380V三相 | Power supply | AC220V single-phase/380V 3-phases |
重量 | 凈重260千克,毛重280千克 | Weight | N.W260kg ; G.w280kg |
外型尺寸 | 長1200mm,寬800mm,高1700mm | Dimension | L1200mm ,W800mm, H1700mm |
包裝材料 | 紙/聚乙烯;玻璃紙/聚乙烯;鋁箔/聚乙烯;BOPP/聚乙炔烯;尼龍/CPP等。 | Film Material | Paper/polyethylene;cellophane/polyethylene;plated aluminum/polyethylene |
功能概述 | 該數粒包裝機可自動完成計量、計數、製袋、填充、封合、切斷、打印生產日期、切易撕口等工序。該機可裝配多個震動盤,可同時將不同的物料填充到包裝袋內,該機可用於包裝較大顆粒物料,如:糖果,花生米,藥丸等;以及不規則物料,如:釘子,螺母,螺冒和小件五金零件。
| Main function | This machine can automatically measure , count number,make bags,fill,seal,and print codes,It can be equipped with several vibrative fillers,and can pack several kinds of objects into one bag.This machin can be used to pack big grains,such as:candy,peanuts,pills and irregular objects,such as:nails,nuts,and small hard wares etc |
