簡介/ DEscriptION
03系列全自動直型飲料吸管連排包裝冷切機是一種將飲料吸管自動包裝入袋和單支分切的設備。該機具有較高的自動化程度和生產速度,多工位連續不斷地運行、充填、包裝及冷切一次完成。該機操作方便,質量可靠。主要適用於無菌包裝飲料、以及出口單支冷切吸管的包裝需要。熱封裝置采用二次熱封,主熱封裝置由兩個熱封輥組成,分別由優質不銹鋼氮化而成,經久耐用。次熱封由四個熱封輪組成,主要作用是封邊,其結構是借鑒意大利技術,製作不同長短管材不需要更換模具,隻需調整熱封裝置。03-SERIES I-shape tetra pack straw auto packing&cutting machine is an equipment for packing straw into bag and cutting single-straw piece by piece .The main drum always carries a lot of straws in the successive and different operations.This provides a high packing rate,and automation.To complete filling in & packing at a time.It not only makes your straw packing operatons easier,but also provides you with a high reliability.
◆ 單支連排包裝,充填、包裝一次完成。/ Single tetra straw packing.to complete filling in and packing at a time.
◆ 自動計數、批量報警。/ automatic product counting,product quantity pre-set.Once the pre-set value is reached,the machine will stop and an alarm will sound.
◆包裝速度可調。/ Packing speed can be adjusted freely.
◆缺管自動停機。/ Automatic stop when the package is missing the straw.
驅動馬達/ Driving motor | 0.75kw(變頻調速)/0.75kw(control by frequency converter) | |
生產能力/ Production capacity | 直管/Straight straws | 600~700支/分鐘pcs/min |
彎管/ Flexible straws | 350~450支/分鐘pcs/min | |
包裝方式包裝物/ Specifications of wrapping material | 四麵封 (鋸齒狀)/ Four sides sealing (Serrated) | |
材料/ Material | Bopp等可熱封材料/ can be hot sealed such as BOPP | |
膜厚/ Thickness of film | 20μ-30μ | |
卷徑/ Roll diameter | 最大/ Max:340mm | |
紙管內徑/ Inside diameter of roll | 75mm | |
膜幅寬/ Width of the film | 最大/MAX:280mm | |
包裝形態/Packing shape | 15mm(節距/P)×96~250mm(寬/W),其他可定製/ Other specifications are Customizable | |
製品規格/ Straw specifications | 直徑/Straw diameter | Ø 2.5~ Ø7mm |
厚度/ Straw wall thickness | 0.15~0.25mm | |
長度/Length | 90~255mm(常規/ normal) | |
其他規格可定製/ Other specifications are Customizable | ||
機械尺寸/ Machine size | 2000× 900 × 1600mm | |
機械重量/ Machine weight | 400kg |
公司地址:中國 江蘇省 南京市雨花臺區板橋新城湯巷43號
