產品型號:BSK371E | |
機器簡介 該機采用短節距大滾子鏈條傅動壓板,磨頭采用ABB電機精度高、能耗小、穩定性強,主傅動采用無級減速器調節,同步帶輸送。主要用於磨削玻璃的斜邊。斜邊的多重組合。精磨和拋光以及底邊磨削一次加工完成。加工效率高、質量好、性能穩定、操作簡便及損耗低。 技術參數 速度范圍:0.5~4.0m/min 工廠簡介 佰司科玻璃機械有限公司位於玻璃機械重鎮------廣東省佛山市順德區倫教三洲瑞豐圍工業區廣東佰司科玻璃機械有限公司是一傢集設計、生產、銷售及售後服務和維修保養為一體的綜合企業,我們一直致力於研發和生產玻璃直邊機和玻璃斜邊機,產品廣泛應用於各大領域如建築玻璃,傢俬玻璃,工藝玻璃,中空玻璃,KTV裝飾,客廳背景墻等。公司的主要專業技術人員至今已有二十多年的行業經驗,我們憑借成熟的技術,追求卓越和敢於創新的精神,以及一流的產品質量麵向全球發展!佰司科玻璃機械本著“以質量求生存,以創新求發展”的生產理念,堅持做品質機械,誠信經營。我們註重細節,從小到每個螺絲,大到機架和底座,嚴格挑選合格的材料;生產每一臺設備的整個過程,都有嚴格把關。我們不要求車間隻做----量,我們要求從佰司科出廠的設備一定要是高水平的----質量。保證從佰司科出廠的每一臺設備都獲得客戶的好評和認可是我們的生產質量目標!佰司科以嚴謹的工作態度、以優越的產品告訴您:我們一直在認真生產玻璃機械,我們在做不斷創新的企業。我們秉承------------“拒絕劣質”的生產理念,一直致力於做良心品質、苛求完美、用心服務的企業。堅持以品質如一的玻璃磨邊機和完善的售後服務回饋給客戶的信任。我們的優勢在於-----------產品好用,耐用,並設計改良更適合用戶的使用和方便維修。我們的每一位製造師傅以及安裝玻璃機械的師傅都具備多年的相關工作經驗,並且拆裝和研究過多種品牌的玻璃磨邊機,因此我們的團隊都具有更精湛的技藝和穩固的專業知識,因此在售後服務和維修處理過程中我們能更準確,更快捷的發現和解決問題!歡迎各方貴客來廠考察,洽談和訂購! Baisike Glass Machinery Co.,Ltd is a comprehensive glass machinery company specialized in design, manufacture, selling, after-sales service and maintenance. The company is located in Ruifengwei industrial zone, Lunjiao town, Shunde district, Foshan city, Guangdong province, China. Our products include but not limit to glass straight–line edger machine, glass straight–line beveling machine,etc. Our products have been widely used in various fields such as construction, furniture, art craft, KTV and wall decoration,etc. Having worked in this field for more than 20 years, our engineers are qualified with rich experience and technical skills. Baisike persists in the principle of “surviving on quality and developing on innovation”. We aim to offer customers high-quality products. In order to ensure every piece of glass machine fulfill the satisfaction of our customers, we are strict in choosing good materials and careful with the manufacturing details.We double-checked and tested every glass machine to make sure it has a better working efficiency. Our products are famous for beautiful design, convenient operation and durable performance. Moreover, in order to gain more knowledge on different types of machines, our technicians have disassembled and reassembled a handful of machines from various brands, which enable us to be experienced in different problems and solve them efficiently. We believed that our reputation earned by the skilled technique, first-class quality, and innovative spirit will enable us to explore the international market. We sincerely welcome all customers from home and abroad to visit our company.
工廠產品直售及售後服務專線:13929981959何先生 / 13823403919 呂小姐
