品牌 | 瑋沃*中國 | 材質 | 布藝 |
適用場合 | 客廳、戶外 | 適用人群 | 成人 |
風格 | 日式 | 樣式 | 單人 |
型號 | WSS-LZ015 | 框架 | 木骨架 |
內部填充物 | 噴膠棉 | 顏色 | 如圖 |
可否定做 | 可以 | 貿易屬性 | 外貿原單 |
席下擁有瑋沃傢俱和懿瑋國際兩大公司的瑋沃·中國目前是上海傢俱行業中製造能力較強,品種較為齊全且擁有自主進出口權的生產型企業,專業專業從事生產中高檔傢俱,椅子沙發,板式屏風,油漆班台,鋼製產品等!常年出口到日本,美國,北歐等國家。基於有競爭力的價位優勢,產品深受國內外客戶好評!Wewin*China owning two big companies, which are Wewin Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd.and Uwin InternationalTrade Co.,Ltd. is one of professional manufacturers with various ranges of products, and also has the rights of import and export in shanghai furniture industry for the time being. We specialized in medium and top-grade furniture such as chairs and sofas, panel furniture and partition, executive desk, steel products etc. Products have been usually exported to many overseas countries and areas such as Japan, USA, and North European etc. Due to the competitive price, our products have been highly receiving by customers both at home and abroad for years!
細節取勝,用心成就! 瑋沃*中國,您可信賴的傢俱專家!
Win By Heart! Wewin*China, Your Reliable Furniture Expert!
*注意:外銷及經銷商價Negotiation Price for Export and Dealer
