●東莞市沙田美佳窗飾製品廠,是一傢專業生產窗簾和配套窗飾配件,以及傢用紡織製品的工廠,包括捲簾、羅馬簾、垂直簾,百葉窗簾,竹木簾、百折簾、浴簾、屏風簾,電動窗簾,佈藝窗簾,環保購物袋,傢用紡織製品等. 產品銷往北美、澳大利亞、歐洲、日本等世界各地及國內各大中城市。
●美佳能為您提供最好的產品及最有競爭力的價格。我們所用的材料以及工藝都是最好的,一直得到廣大客戶的肯定。我們不斷推出新材料和新產品以符合市場的需要。我們開發瞭棉、麻、草、竹木等天然麵料、遮光及陽光麵料做捲簾和羅馬簾,開發瞭新款的屏風簾,風琴簾,多款藝術窗簾桿,成品窗簾,窗紗,以及新的浴簾花色。 最近新開發瞭許多窗飾配件,包括羅馬簾軌道和配件,捲簾的軌道和配件,直卷的捲簾紙管,電動捲簾等等。
Roller Blind, Shower Curtain Supplier. There are so many producers in the world today; sometimes it is really hard for buyers to make a decision. But whenever you choose Sweet-home, you won't regret for your choice.
Competitiveness: Sweet-home differs from many producers of similar products in China and in the rest of world for its fine product quality, good customer service, quick response to the market trend and customers' requirements, while we keep our cost reasonable and prices competitive.
R&D: Sweet-home always researches and develops new materials and new products to meet the market trend. Our designers are also keen on developing new patterns to make our products more artistic and more presentable. We have a pool of new and creative patterns for your selection.
Beyond what mentioned above, Sweet-home is energetic company that is quick and flexible in doing things. We value and serve our client, no matter it is big or small, with our sincerity and a professional spirit.
