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    廠傢加工隨身碟 定做隨身碟 定製世界各地商務公司LOGO 隨身碟
    商品代碼: 4261002
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。



    1、 受眾性:隨身碟廣告直接影響到最具有消費力的一族,親情銷售和實際感受的效果,可最大限度提高客戶的購買欲,和對新產品的瞭解。
    2、 投資省:隨身碟廣告打破瞭傳統廣告媒體定價的行規,廣告主可定好自己的支出預算,定向定位的發送給目標客戶。傳播形式時尚、新穎。
    3、 精確性:隨身碟廣告最大的特性就是直達最終消費者,真正的實現瞭一對一的傳遞信息,實效性強,300%的閱讀率。在使用人接觸的有限時間中,能提高人與廣告的接觸率。
    4、 靈活性:隨身碟廣告發佈時間極具靈活性,廣告主可根據產品特點隨時更改自己的廣告內容,不受任何限製,最大化的來滿足廣告主的實際需求。
    5、 品牌推廣效應強:它具有其它任何一個廣告媒體無法比擬的瞬時轟動效果,持久性強,重復率高。

    Ordering advertising U disk superiority:




    1, audience sex: U disk advertising directly affects the most has the spending power of the gens, the natural affection sales and actual feeling effect, can maximize customers' desire to buy, and to the new product to understand.

    2, investment province: U disk advertising broke the traditional advertising media pricing guild regulations, advertisers can set their own expenditure budget, directional orientation sent to the target customers. Communication style fashion, novel.

    3, accuracy: U disk advertising the biggest characteristic is direct final consumers, the real realize the one-to-one transfer information, effectiveness is strong, 300% of the reading rate. In the user contact limited time, can improve the people and advertising contact rate.

    4, flexibility: U disk advertising publishing time extremely flexibility, advertisers can be changed at any time according to the product characteristics of their own advertising content, free from any restriction and the maximum to meet the needs of advertisers.

    5, brand promotion effect strong: it has any other advertising media can not compare with instantaneous sensation effect, persistent strong, high repetition rate.


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