- 產品品牌:力鋒
- 產品型號:1200
- 功能:環保
- 灶形:其它
- 灶眼:其它
類型 | 塑膠熔接機 | 電源電壓 | 220(V) |
頻率 | 15/20(KHz) | 功率 | 4200/3200/2600(W) |
適用范圍 | 玩具行業、家電行業、電子行業、文具行業、日用行業、通信行業、汽車行業、包裝行業 |
超音波焊接原理及工藝Weld principle and production technique超音波焊接是熔接熱塑性塑料制品的高科技技術,各種熱塑性膠件均可使用超音波熔接處理,而不需加熔劑、粘接劑或其它輔助品。其特點是增加多倍生產率、降低成本、提高產品質量及安全生產。超音波塑膠焊接原理是由發生器產生20KHz(或15KHz)的高壓、高頻信號,通過換能系統,把信號轉換為高頻機械振動,加于塑料制品工件上,通過工件表面及內在分子間的磨擦而使傳導到接口的溫度升高,當溫度達到此工件本身的熔點時,使工件接口迅速溶化,繼而填充于接口的空隙,當振動停止,工件同時在一定的壓力下冷卻定形,便達成完美的焊接。 The supersonic welding is a high-tech technique for welding thermoplastic products. Every kind of thermoplastic parts parts can be dealt with supersonic welding without any solvent, adhesive and other auxiliary res. Its advantages are increasing the productions rate for many times, decreasing the costs and improving quality of the products and the safe operation.The principle of supersonic welding is making 20KHz (15KHz) high voltage and high frequency signal by generator, then transfouming the signal into high frequency mechanical vibration through a transforming system and add the vibration onto the plastic products work piece. By the friction of molecule on the surface or inside the work piece, the temperature at the connection area is to be increasing . When the temperature of the work piece reaches its melting point , it is to be melting at the connection area quickluy and filling the gap of the connection area. While the vibrating stop, the work piece could be made cold and formed shape under certain pressure. Thus aperfect welding is completed. 適用范圍:玩具行業、家電行業、電子行業、文具行業、日用行業、通信行業、汽車行業、包裝行業等 The area of adaption:Toy industry, household electrical appliances, electronic stationery, everyday use , correspondence, qutomobile, packing and so on. 歡迎來電洽談,謝謝!15016856511陳小姐
