機身材質: | ABS |
鏡片材質: | PMMA |
鏡片樣式: | 非球麵 |
產品凈重: | 155g |
視野角度: | ∠95 |
適配手機 “4.7-6”寸安卓與ios智能手機,建議1280*720像素以上;
使用方法 打開手機上的左右格式3D視訊或遊戲再將手機從設備上麵開口處插入手機卡位處,將手機畫面中分屏的中心線對齊設備視場分界線;
Operation manual
. Illustration
Body Material: | ABS |
Lens Material: | PMMA |
Lens Style: | Aspherical |
Net Weight: | 155g |
View Filed: | ∠95 |
. Instructions for use
Adaptable Adaptable For Android and ios smart phones with the screen size being “4.7-6”inehes and pixels over 1280*720;
Operation Open the 3D video or game of Left and right format in your cell phone ,insert your cell phone into the slot on the top, and then keep the centre cine of your cell phone and the view division Cine of the camera aligned;
Put the camera on your head , adjust the tightness of head bard, and then make sure the centre points of the lens are right before your eyes, you are now free to enjoy a 3D video or game;
. Range of Use
Support all the 3D videos or games with left and right format;
