虛擬現實設備能夠帶給我們最身臨其境的感受,都略顯笨重,也不能讓使用者隨處攜帶,在攜帶方麵無疑是一個硬傷,難不成真的要隨時背個大頭盔、紙盒子到處跑?帶著笨重的VR設備看不到任何外界,甚至東西被搶被偷都難以發現,日前VR CASE專為手機打造的VR手機殼,能讓你隨時隨地享受到VR所帶來的樂趣,平時還可以充當手機支架使用,不體驗VR時,滑動隱藏的鏡頭蓋,安全保護好鏡片後,能夠輕松的放進你的口袋,和多數配件產品一樣,VR CASE手機殼同樣隻有iPhone 6系列、iPhone 6s的4.7與5.5寸屏系列支持,給使用者以非常驚艷的虛擬現實體驗,可以讓人沉浸在虛擬現實電影和音樂會中,探索令人難以置信的旅遊目的地,甚至是玩遊戲等等,VR CASE雖然看上去比其他手機殼稍厚,但重量僅58g左右,由甲矽基橡膠製成,在密封性及防震性上的表現非常優秀。
VR CASE主要優勢如下:
1:獨創防刮鏡頭蓋由專業的VR CASE團隊設計,在不使用VR CASE時可將隱蔽性非常好的鏡頭蓋滑出,保護鏡片在口袋中不被刮傷。
HotPortable VR Glasses Mobile Phone Case on Market Now!
Virtualreality devices give users very immersive feelings, but there are onedisadvantage that they are size heavy. We cannot take it out everywher. It isfunny to wear a helmet or cardboard box everywher! With the original VR box wecannot see the outside world, even when you been robbed or stolen! Recently wenew released a VR case model specifically for the mobile phones, it is a phonecase and holder in usual. Users can put it easily in the pocket after pull inthe hidden cover and well protected the lenses. As most of the phoneaccessories, the VR CASE fits for 4.7 and 5.5 inch of iPhone 6 system andiPhone 6s system. It will give users an amazing virtual reality experience,allow them tobe enchanted bythe virtual reality movies and concerts, to explore fabulous travel sceneryplace. Playing games with the CASE is also available. It looks a little thickerthan common phone case, but its weight only 58g. It is made up of siliconrubber, on sealing and anti-shock aspect it is great.
Mainadvantages and features of the VR CASE:
1:Special scratch-resistant lens covers that designed by professional teamwill protect the lenses from being scratched. The covers will hide the lenseswell when we are not using the VR CASE.
2: Itsupports all main phone models of iPhone6/6s, can work as a phone case, a VRglasses and a phone holder.
3: It isvery portable. Can be put in the pocket easily. Compared with other size biggerVR devices, it allows us to look around the outside world at any time. We willnot feel being isolated and feel any troubles
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