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    廠傢源頭貨源手機3D眼鏡VR BOX頭戴虛擬3D電影配備特惠一件代發
    商品代碼: 4183832
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     新款手機虛擬現實眼鏡VR CASE 5th(5代)

    CES2016展會四大主角之一VR(虛擬現實),成為最具關註及投資領域之一,國際巨頭分別佈局VR產業,其中不乏走在前端的三星﹑HTC﹑Oculus,國內的暴風﹑華為﹑小米等,上萬VR資源的湧現,這足以說明即將的2016VR(虛擬現實)產品即將火爆登場,VR CASE(專業專註級大眾普及版虛擬現實品牌),沉浸式遊戲與超大屏幕3D真實版場景電影體驗,配備隨心掌控無所不能的超級VR藍牙手柄,真正的VIP級別享受,超乎你想象,VR CASE相對市場主要改進如下:  






       第六:可配備兼容iOS9.2及9.X的遊戲手柄VR-BOX-RK),安卓系統兼容暴風魔鏡,眼鏡兼容市場所有APP VR軟件(包含3D播播,谷歌遊戲軟件,暴風魔鏡等等) 

       第七:外觀上可根據客戶OEM/ODM定製,包裝與絲印可選VR CASE,也可印客戶LOGO 




    Mobile phone virtual reality VR-CASE hit on the market 

    VR(virtual reality), one of 4 main lightspots on CES2016, has became one of the field attracting most investment and attention. International business tycoon have all started their plan in this filed, ot only Samsung, HTC,Oculus but also Baofeng, Huawei and Xiaomi. Mass Vr game resources flooded out. None of these does not indicate approaching of VR(virtual reality) products in coming 2016. VR case ( a proffesional, devoted & universal virtual reality brand ), Immersive game style with IMAX 3D experience and handheld Super VR Bluetooth game controller will give you unexpected VIP enjoyment.Main improvements of VR case as following:  
    The first: military quality lenses with 33.5 longer focus to anti dizziness. Carsickers can better enjoy the 3d vr case. While most of lens on the market employ aspheric lens with large diameter yet short focus. It make people dizzy and even vomitting. Our lens has experienced a series military quality requested process, 8 layer Nanometer multilayer coating, laser cutting, and 5 times repeated polishing. So our lens can efficiently anti visual fatigue, revivify 3D wide view, and represent an impeccable virtual world.
    Second:Compare to the similar products on markets,it has scientifc streamline appearance,with double arc and dynamic music symbol design,making your headset more beautiful and perfect!
    Third:The design of lens focus is more humanization, the focal distance can be adjusted around before and after aim at myopia user,,the lens focusing is designed with more humanization ergonomics, non-slip strength and signage are added,easy to use.
    Fourth:In order to improve wool fabric and unenvironmental cloth cotton in market,we use high-end leather breathable durable and comfortable cotton material,according to the imported leather with professional air holes distance design,it makes more comfortable  when watching 3d movies and playing games for long time.
    Fifth:With high-grade and comfortable wearing material and strength adhesive,armband cohesion is more soft and comfortable without hurting hands,making details more professional with perfect experience.
    Sixth:Can be used with game joystick VR-BOX-RK which compatible with IOS9.2 and 9.X above,android system compatible with BaoFeng magic mirror,3d glasses compatible with all VR APP on markets(including 3D bobo,google game software,Baofeng magic mirror ect)
    Seventh:Support OEM/ODM with customer own logo(such as VR CASE,VR-X ect),we have our own independent appearance and trademarks intellectual property.


    廠傢源頭貨源手機3D眼鏡VR BOX頭戴虛擬3D電影配備特惠一件代發_vr 虛擬實境_熱賣商品批發_貨源_批發一路發
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