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    BMW SCANNER 1.4/1.4.0 寶馬汽車檢測診斷機寶馬汽車診斷檢測工具
    商品代碼: 4144075
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    Short functions list:
    Determination of chassis, model, engine, gearbox and complete set
    Searching of all units and reading:
    - identification data
    - odometer value
    - VIN and ADFG
    - programming info (UIF)
    - errors (DTC)
    Reading and saving in files:
    - program memory
    - EEPROM
    - coding data
    - amount of DTCs and DTCs shadow-memory
    - live data
    - programming info (User Info Fields)
    Copying ZCS (IKE - EWS) and FA (IKE - LCM) coding
    ... and other functions in various units

    "Unlocked" functions to show possibilities of full version:

    DTCs description in DME MS43.0, EWS3, SRS MRS4
    Clearing DTCs in same units
    EWS-DME synchronization code in DME MS43.0
    Live data in DME MS43.0, EWS3, SRS MRS2 and MRS4
    Status of all keys in EWS3
    EWS3 coding data interpretation
    Equipment correction in SRS MRS4
    Some screenshots of BMW Scanner V1.4.0

    BMW SCANNER 1.4/1.4.0 寶馬汽車檢測診斷機寶馬汽車診斷檢測工具_汽摩檢測設備_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i