Cryolipolysis Vacuum Machine
Cool Sculpting is a new, non-invasive way to gently and effectively reduce fat in targeted areas of the body that results in a noticeable, natural-looking fat reduction in the treated areas. What makes the Cool Sculpting procedure different is that it uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target fat bulges and eliminate fat cells through a gradual process that does not harm the surrounding tissues. This procedure can reduce unwanted abdominal fat, love handles (flanks), and back fat
Three Functions of the Equipment:
(1) Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing:
As triglyceride in the fat will turn into solid at a specialtemperature, it delivers the frozen waves through non-invasive therapeuticapparatus to the parts wher fat needs to be reduced. The triglyceride converted into solid will age prematurely. Then through normal metabolism, they are gently eliminated and discharged out of the body so that the adipose layer will gradually be reduced and the purpose of partial weight loss can be served.
(2) 40K Strong Sound Wave Fat Burning:
With collective strong sound wave head, strong sound wave of 40000HZ may be emitted to vibrate fat cells at top speed and produce numerous vacuum air pockets inside and outside the fat cells, robustly impact fat cells to generate introverted blast and disintegrate triglyceride into glycerol and free fatty acids. Then RF waves at frequency of 1M HZ is used for exhausting the integrated glycerol and free fatty acids through hepatoenteral circulation.
(3) Multi-polar Radio Frequency Lipolysis:
High frequency radio frequency can rapidly improve local blood circulation, cause disintegration of fatty acids and metabolism of fat cells, so as to achieve the effect of fat dissolution and weight loss.
♥40KHz Cavitation Slimming
1. Results are visible after the first treatment (1-4 cm)
2. Belly, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees, and upper arm shaping without surgery and scars.
3. Non-invasive, painless, safe, and quick alternative to liposuction.
4. Precise removal of sectional fat layers without long term recovery.
♥5MHz Multi-polar RF Fat Dissolve
1. The heat produced in the tissue by the passage of the 5mhz RF is an excellent alternative to obtain non invasive reaffirmation of flabby and aged skin.
2. The controlled heating generated at this frequency reaches a superficial cuteanous temperature between 38-42C,capable of stimulating the existing dermic collagen and producing a transition process in the denominated collagen contraction.
3. These reactions are use to give more firmness and quality to the skin.The result is a smoother skin and an evident reduction of wrinkles and flaccidity , as well as the "orange skin" very characteristic of the cellulite.
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