產品名稱 Product name | 橡膠電線電纜 Rubber wire and cable | |
產品型號/規格 Product specifications | H07RN-F 2*1.5mm2 | |
額定電壓 Rated voltage | 450/750V | |
導體電阻 Conductor resistance
| 1.5mm2在20℃時導體電阻不大於13.3Ω/km 1.0 was in 20 ℃ when the conductor resistance is not greater than 13.3 Ω/km | |
絕緣線芯電壓試驗 Insulation wire core voltage test | 1500V/1min,不應出現擊穿或閃絡現象。 1500 v / 1 min, breakdown or flashover phenomenon should not appear | |
成品電纜耐壓試驗 The finished cable withstand voltage test | 電纜在水中施加的電壓2000V/15min,不應出現擊穿或閃絡現象 Cable in the water applied voltage 2000 v / 15 min, breakdown or flashover phenomenon should not appear | |
老化條件 Aging conditions | 70±2℃X240小時 Plus or minus 2 ℃ 70 X240 hours | |
耐低溫 Low temperature resistant | -40℃ | |
耐高溫 High temperature resistant | 90℃ | |
導體 Coniductor | 導 體 材 質 Material | 無氧銅絲 Oxygen-free copper wire |
導 體 結 構 Diam of strands | 30/0.25MM±0.002 | |
絞 合 外 徑 Outside diametero | 2.0MM | |
絕緣 Insulation | 材質 Material | 乙丙橡膠 EPDM |
厚度 Thickness | 0.8MM±0.05 | |
完 成 外 徑 Over diam | 3.5MM±0.15 | |
顏 色 Color | 棕色,藍色,黃綠 Brown, blue,yellow and green | |
伸長率 Elongation | 300% | |
外被 Jack | 材質 Material | 氯化聚乙烯橡膠線 CPE |
厚度 Thickness | 0.8MM±0.05 | |
完 成 外 徑 Over diam | 8.5MM±0.2 | |
伸長率 Elongation | 300% | |
顏 色 Color | 黑色或者白色 Black or white | |
圖解 Illustration | | |
細節實圖 Details there are800,000 monographs | 溫馨提示:直接拍下3天可到貨! | |
特點 The characteristics of | 耐寒、耐溫、防水、防曬、防油、防腐蝕、抗UV、抗老化、阻燃等; Cold and heat resistance, waterproof, prevent bask in, prevent oil, corrosion resistance, UV resistance, anti-aging, flame retardant, etc | |
適用範圍 Scope of application |
潛水泵,熱泵,戶外照明、LED燈飾、傢用電器及各種通用電動工具設備等,適用於戶外、油汙場合、潮濕、嚴寒及陽光強烈場合等; Submersible pump, heat pump, outdoor lighting, LED lighting, household electrical appliances and various kinds of equipment, such as general electric tools, applicable to the outdoor, oil pollution situation, damp, cold and strong sunshine, etc | |
聯系方式 contact | |
