0.6/1~26/35kV塑料絕緣高阻燃(隔氧層)電力電纜 Plastic Insulated High Performance Flame-retardant Power Cable |
產品標準 Standard 本產品按GB12706-91《額定電壓35KV及以下銅芯、鋁芯塑料絕緣電力電纜》、GB12666.5-90《電線電纜成束燃燒試驗》、GB/T17650-1998《取自電纜或光纜的材料燃燒時釋出氣體的試驗方法》和GB/T17651-1998《電纜或光纜在特定條件下燃燒的煙密度測定》標準生產0.6/1kv~26/35kv塑料絕緣電力電纜,同時還可根據用戶需要按國際電工委員會推薦標準IEC、英國標準、德國標準及美國標準生產。 The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706-91、GB12666.5-90、GB/T17650-1998 and GB/T17651-1998 or IEC and DIN and ICEA. 適用范圍 Applications 本產品適用於工頻額定電壓0.6/1kv~26/35KV 輸配電線路作配送電能之用。 The product is suitable for power transmission and distribution lines with rated voltage 0.6/1kv~26/35kv. 使用特性 Operating characteristics . 工頻額定電壓U0/U為0.6/1kv~26/35kv. Rated power frequency voltage U0/U:0.6/1KV~26/35KV. PVC絕緣電纜導體的長期最高工作溫度為70℃。XLPE絕緣電纜導體的長期允許最高工作溫度為90℃ PVC insulated power cable Max . permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor should not exceed 70 ℃,XPLE permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor should not exceed 90℃. 短路時(最長持續時間不超過5s)電纜導體的最高溫度不超過250 Max Short –circurrt temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250.(5s maximum duration) 電纜敷設時環境溫度不低於0℃ |
