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- ��ַwww.shjz666.cn.alibaba.com��http://shjz66.b2b.hc360.com
- ����[email protected]...����-Ԥ��
- ȫ�Զ����Բ������Ƴ���;
- ȱ�ϱ���;
- ���ø������������С������ǿ���ʺ���������;
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- Microprocessor programmed operation;
- Alarm for shortage of material;
- Adopted high-speed motor, small volume with strong suctionpower, suitable for deferent type of new materials;
- lnstalled with dust collector to save dismantling mainframefor cleaning;
- Remote controller, easy to set and control, convenient and fast.
- lnstalled with air filter (options available).
����� ����ֵ��ʱ�����о��Ľ��������ο������б䶯��ˡ������֪ͨ��
Specifications: All specifications and design are subject to changes without prior notice.
�ͺ� Model | JZAL-300G |
�����ʽ Motor Type | ̼ˢʽ |
����� Motor Specification | 1.5HP |
�������� Conveying Capacity(kg/h) | 250 |
������� Loading Distance(m) | 3.5 |
����ѹ Static Wind Pressure(mm/ H O) | 1300 |
����Ͳ���� Reservoir Volume(L) | 7 |
���Ϲ��ھ� Conveying Tube lnner Dim(mm) | Ø38 |
���ͳߴ� Dimensions(mm) | 370*550*270 |
���� Net Weight(kg) | 12 |
- �����е�豸��˾��Ҫ�����о����칤ҵ��ˮ������ȴ����ģ�»������ϻ������������ɫ�������������е�֡������ܡ�����š������͡��������ܡ��¿�������⡢��.....���汣֤��Ʒ����ȫ���г�������Ϣ�ḻ�����ŵù��ij��ҡ���ӭǰ������
- ��ַwww.shjz666.cn.alibaba.com; http://shjz66.b2b.hc360.com
- ����[email protected]...����-Ԥ��
- ȫ�Զ� ���Բ������Ƴ���;
- ���ء�ȱ���Զ�������
- �ø�Ӧʽ��ѹ��������С������С����������
- ����ת����װ�á�
- Microprocessor programmed operation;
- Automatic alarm for overload or shortage of materiel;Fully automatic programmed operation;
- Adopted with induction high-pressure blower, small volume, quiet,durable:
- Equipped with reverse cleaning filter.
- ����� Specifications:
�ͺ� Model | JZAL-500G |
�����ʽ Motor Type | ��Ӧʽ |
����� Motor Specification | 1.5HP |
�������� Conveying Capacity(kg/h) | 300 |
������� Loading Distance(m) | 3.5 |
����ѹ Static Wind Pressure(mm/ H O) | 1400 |
����Ͳ���� Reservoir Volume(L) | 7 |
���Ϲ��ھ� Conveying Tube lnner Dim(mm) | Ø38 |
���ͳߴ� Dimensions(mm) | 370*550*270 |
���� Net Weight(kg) | 15 |
- �����е�豸��˾��Ҫ�����о����칤ҵ��ˮ������ȴ����ģ�»������ϻ������������ɫ�������������е�֡������ܡ�����š������͡��������ܡ��¿�������⡢��.....���汣֤��Ʒ����ȫ���г�������Ϣ�ḻ�����ŵù��ij��ҡ���ӭǰ������
- ��ַwww.shjz666.cn.alibaba.com;http://shjz66.b2b.hc360.com
- ����[email protected]...����-Ԥ��
- ȫ�Զ����Բ������Ƴ���;
- ȱ���Զ�������
- ���ø������������С������ǿ���ʺ���������;
- ������϶���
- ��������Ͱ������ƣ���ȫ��㣻
- ������оװ�ã��������������
- Fully automatic programmed operation;
- Alarm for shortage of material;
- Equipped withspeed motor, small volume strong suction power, suitable for deferent type of new materials:
- Stainless steel hopper construction;
- Main controller and hopper designed, ro ensures safety andconvenient;
- Separated filter installed, easy clearing.
����� Specifications:
�ͺ� Model | JZAL-700G |
�����ʽ Motor Type | ̼ˢʽ |
����� Motor Specification | 1.5HP |
�������� Conveying Capacity(kg/h) | 300 |
������� Loading Distance(m) | 3.5 |
����ѹ Static Wind Pressure(mm/ H O) | 1550 |
����Ͳ���� Reservoir Volume(L) | 7 |
���Ϲ��ھ� Conveying Tube lnner Dim(mm) | Ø38 |
���ͳߴ� Dimensions(mm) | 370*300*560 |
���� Net Weight(kg) | 20 |
����[email protected]...����-Ԥ��
- ȫ�Զ����Բ������Ƴ���;
- ���ء�ȱ���Զ�������
- ��������Ͱ������ƣ���ȫ��㣻
- ������϶���
- ������оװ�ã��������������
- ������ת�Զ�����۳����ܡ�
- Fully automatic programmed operation;
- Microprocessor programmed operation;
- Stainless steel hopper construction;
- Main controller and hopper designed, ro ensures safety andconvenient;
- Separated filter installed, easy clearing.
����� Specifications:
�ͺ� Model | JZAL-800G1 | JZAL-800G2 | JZAL-800G3 | JZAL-800G4 | JZAL-800G5 |
�����ʽ Motor Type | ��Ӧʽ | ��Ӧʽ | ��Ӧʽ | ��Ӧʽ | ��Ӧʽ |
����� Motor Specification | 1.5HP | 2HP | 3HP | 5HP | 7.5HP |
�������� Conveying Capacity(kg/h) | 400 | 480 | 550 | 800 | 1000 |
������� Loading Distance(m) | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 8 |
����ѹ Static Wind Pressure(mm/ H O) | 1800 | 2100 | 2400 | 3000 | 4000 |
����Ͳ���� Reservoir Volume(L) | 7 | 9 | 9 | 20 | 30 |
���Ϲ��ھ� Conveying Tube lnner Dim(mm) | Ø38 | Ø38 | Ø38 | Ø51 | Ø63 |
���ͳߴ� Dimensions(mm) | 770*550*420 | 770*550*420 | 770*550*420 | 790*520*450 | 770*500*420 |
���� Net Weight(kg) | 50 | 60 | 65 | 100 | 120 |
