產品應用於乾貨集裝箱、冷藏集裝箱、鐵路箱、特種箱、箱式貨車、冷藏車等,對箱體內部起著密封與保溫的作用。 產品包括乾貨箱門密封條、冷藏箱門密封條及其它橡塑配件。產品的主體材料采用三元已丙橡膠,具有優異的耐天候和耐老化性能。同時,根據箱東要求開發出的PVC密封條,因采用進口的PVC原料,使產品無論在口型上還是在形狀設計上,均有瞭新的突破。
Container rubber and plastic fittings. Our company's products are suitable fordry cargo container,reefer container,special container,trailer and any standard container. Door gasket of container is a product according to the international standard of container door seal, which is mainly made of EPDM, enjoying excellent weather resistance and aging resistance. We have also developed PVC seal according to the requirement of container owner, which adopts imported PVC raw material and has new breakthrough in terms of product profile and shape design, and the tightness and durability of the product are ensured reliably.
