FiT228 ~Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices (BAIIDs) FiT228~呼吸式防醉駕鎖車系統 | ||
Product No: | FiT228, the ignition interlock controller protectsprevents a driver from starting a vehicle if his/her breath alcohol concentration is above a certain limit. Included tester handset and car controller box FiT228酒精鎖車系統,可以直接控制避免駕車者體內的酒精濃度超過某個警戒點而啟動交通工具,整個系統分成兩個部分:手持機和汽車控制盒 | |
FiT228C: Car Controller Box: FiT228C:汽車控制器 | ||
| Auto ignition control system & Vehicle Starter control port 汽車引擎控制系統和交通工具啟動控制端 | |
2. | Speedometer/engine running detection(OPTION) /Parking light control port(OPTION) 速度計/引擎運行偵測(可選)/停車燈控制接口(可選) | |
3. | Horn honk control port(OPTION) 報警器控制接口(可選) | |
4. | Relay: DC 12V/40A for starter control(24V option) 繼電器:連接起動撞期控制器的繼電器直流12V/40A (24V可選) | |
5. | Power supply: DC12V (10-16V) from vehicle.(24V option) 電源供應:車輛供給直流電12V(10-16V)(24V可選) | |
FiT228 Breath Alcohol tester handset unit FiT228呼吸式酒精測試機手持機產品 | ||
1. Display: 顯示器: | Four color OLED, 96*64Dots 4色OLED96*64點陣OLED顯示器 | |
2. Keyboard: 按鍵: | 5 keys operation:“Up”,“Down”,“Left”,“Right”,“OK” 5維操作鍵:“上”,“下”,“左”,“右”,“OK” | |
3.Power Supply: 電源輸入: | Built-in rechargeable battery; DC 12V/24V (OPTION)from controller unit 手機內置可充電電池,控制盒供給直流電12/24V(可選) | |
4. Heat warm up: 預熱: | Chamber & Sensor warm up automatically 氣室和傳感器自動預熱 | |
5.Auto flow monitoring: 流量控制: | Flow detect automatically 自動控制流量 | |
6.Storage environment: 存儲環境: | -40 Degree C to +85 Degree C -40℃到+85℃ | |
7.Operating environment 操作環境: | -20 Degree C to +70Degree C.(-20 Degree C to +40Degree Cforoptimum operation) -20℃到+70℃.(-20℃到+40℃是最佳操作溫度) | |
8.PC download: 電腦下載記錄: | PC Download for IBM compatible PC (through RS-232 cable, 9600BPS-Optional) 與IBM計算機系統兼容下載(通過RS-232數據線,9600BPS-可選項) | |
9.Data Log: 測試記錄: | Data logwith real time clock (RTC) 包括實時時鐘的測試結果記錄 | |
10.Memories: 容量: | 1MFlash memories for Data log 1M閃速存儲器存儲記錄 | |
11.Bypass & override: 繞過吹酒測試功能: | Bypass & override with record log 通過內存記錄繞開吹酒測試 | |
12.Free Start:
豁免吹酒: | Period after the ignition is switched off during which the vehicle motor may be started again without the presentation of another breath sample. 在通過呼吸氣體測試,解鎖期間,即使發動機關閉,也不需要執行另外一次呼吸氣體測試 | |
13. Free Start period: 豁免吹酒期間: | 1-255 min (set by supervisor) 1-255分鐘(管理員設置) | |
14.Random test:
隨機測試: | After successfully start the vehicle, a random retest is required. The random test timer will activate after the vehicle moved or engine accelerated. There has a random period to perform the retest 成功啟動車輛後,一個隨機的測試是必須的。在車輛移動或者引擎啟動後,隨機測試定時器也會被啟動,可以設置一個任意的測試時間執行測試 | |
15.Indicator: 指示器: | Instructing LED for indication LED指示燈 | |
16.Accuracy: 精確度: | 0.01%BAC 0.01%BAC | |
17. Standard color box packing: 標準彩盒盒包裝: | Including White box with tester handset and controller; 5pcs wires; charger/data cable; 5pcs blow tubes 彩盒內包括手持測試機和汽車控制盒;6pcs連接導線;1條充電器/數據線;5個吹管 | |
19. Standard: 認證標準: | eMark,Compile withS&E, AS, NF, DOT eMark,認證,正在進行S&E, AS, NF, DOT認證 |
