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    商品代碼: 4008851
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    Brand :德國制“K+D Flux-Technic”

    Crack detecting installation to test work piece with residual magnetism, to find longitudinal and transversal cracks縱向及橫向裂痕檢測

    Work piece dimensions:     diameter            :max.  60mm

    length              :max.  400mm


    consisting of:

    Item 1

    Crack Detector Unit “Portapuls C 2500”探傷機主體C2500

    The equipment will be used for high-current pulse magnetization of test pieces.脈波高電流上磁方式

    The rinsing and the inspection of the test pieces is made in residual magnetism field.使用殘磁檢驗法


    The “Portapuls C 2500” is a self-contained, robust built, portable crack detector, built in a stable steel sheet metal housing.


    On the front side are built in the following electrical components:主機前麵版

    - main switch 0-1主開關0-1

    - white signal lamp, this lamp is flashing when the main switch is on position 1.主開關在1位置亮白色燈號

    - green signal lamp, this lamp is flashing when the equipment can be switch on.

    After each high current pulse this lamps goes off. The lamp is flashing again when the equipment is ready for the next high current pulse.當上磁時綠燈不亮,等綠燈亮時,方可再上磁

    - Black push button “test”. This button is to start the high current pulse direct on the equipment.


    - 2 plug-in receptacle and the either and output terminals for the high current cables.二個高電流線插入口

    - 1 special socket to plug in a food switch, a hand switch or another external limit switch, to start the test impluse.腳踏開關用插入口


    A self testing system is installed in the secondary test circuit therefore the test current shot is only possible if the secondary test circuit is closed.自第二次上磁即自動檢測功能

    That means:

              - a work piece is clamped工件夾持

              - hand-ore mangetic-electrodes are on the surface of the work piece上磁電療接觸工件表麵

              - a magnetizing coil is connected to the high current cables高電流上磁,使工件完全磁化


    Technical data acc. DIN 54 131 part 1:

    - Test current檢測電流                   :D.C. taken from a condenser battery  D.C.電流

    - Test current檢測電流                   :approx. 2500A    2500安培

    - Pulse time  上磁時間                  :approx. 0.001 sec.  0.001

    - time between pulses上磁間隔             :approx. 2.5 sec .   2.5

    - Mains connection電源                     :230V, single-phase 單相230V

    - Frequency頻率                           :50/60 cycles      50 /60週波

    - Power consumption消耗量               :1kVA (approx.)   1KW

    Order no. : 015425-2                                


    Item 2

    2 high current cables,35mm,each 1.5m long 兩條高電流接線1.5m,352

    each              one end with cable shoe  一端具接線端子,另一端DINSE快速接頭

                      one end with DINSE-coupling                  

    Order no. :015530-2


    Item 3

    Vertical test table with automatic cycle sequence for longitudinal and transversal cracks detection


    A.   Execution特點

    - Under frame made as selded construction lacquered in RAL 60 18.堅固機身構造符合德國RAL6018標準

    - Covered with a stainless steel plate.不銹鋼床臺

    - The basic pole is isolated mounted on a plate and equipped with a changeable copper cushion,下方磁極

    80mm dia. and the connecting bar for the high current cable.埋入於床臺上具可更換80MM銅接頭

    - The upper pole is mounted on a 3-leg traverse.上方磁極,埋入三腳夾持器

    - One of the legs is guiding the upper pole.上方磁極,可被其中一個腳導引

    - The clamping length can be changed with a handle wheel.夾緊長度可調整

    - The clamping pneumatic cylinder, with a max. stoke of approx.25mm is mounted on the upper pole.

    The upper pole is equipped with a changeable copper cushion 80mm dia. and the connecting bar for the high current cable.上方磁極有25㎜伸長氣缸

    - On the 3 leg traverse are mounted:三腳夾持器

                             - Magnetic valve for the clamping cylinder電磁閥氣缸用

                             - Air pressure unit氣壓組合

    - A electrical cabinet is installed on the back of the under frame電子控制箱在機身背後

    The main switch is installed in one side of the electrical cabinet.

    - Inside are 3 time relays with the following function times:內邊有3個延遲定時器

                             - Clamping夾緊                 approx. 2 secs.

                             - Magnetizing, delayed on上磁     approx. 1 sec.

                             - Unclamping松開               approx. 2 secs.

                             (All three times can be extended if necessary)參個定時器,可依需要調整


    1. B.                       Technical data


    Clamping length                  : 0-400 mm                   夾緊長度0-400

    Work piece dia.                  : max. approx. 60mm    最大徑Æ60

    Mains connection                 : 230V single phase      230V,單相

    Frequency                      : 50/60 cycles                50 / 60頻率

    Power consumption              : 0.5 kvA(approx.)        0.5KW

    Pneumatic connection             : 2.5 bar(approx.)       氣壓2.5bar   

    Order no. : 060105-4


    Item 4

    Bracket for “Portapuls C 2500”上磁本機托器

    - Made from welded steel profiles, mounted to the vertical test table不銹鋼板覆背在立式床臺上

    - Covered with a stainless steel plate                              

    Order no. : 060125-4


    Item 5

    Shower and inspecting table上磁粉液槽及檢驗臺

    A.     Execution特點


    - Under frame made as selded construction lacquered in RAL 60 18.依據德國RAL6018標準堅固機臺結構

    -Covered with a stainless steel test solution trough.覆背不銹鋼水槽

             - the test solution pump for a continued mix of the test solution is mounted in the left part of

              the trough.水槽左邊有一磁液攪拌幫浦

              The pump is mounted on a profile steel plate.幫浦前有一工件用籃架

              The basket to collect the work pieces after magnetization is in the area in front of the pump.

              The trough has a bottom drain with shut-off valve so that the trough may be drained for

              cleaning porposes.水槽下方有一清潔用水閥開關

              - The right side of the trough is covered with gridirons.水槽右方有方格置物臺


    - The right side of the shower and inspecting table is the inspectors place. This area is ergonomically

     designed that one ore two people may work there.檢驗臺右方為檢驗用位置適合12位人員工作

    - The delivery range includes two work piece wire-baskets.附上二個工件用籃具


    1. B.                   Technical data


    Mains connection                :230V single phase

    Frequency                      :50/60 cycles

    Power consumption               :0.5kvA(approx.)                 

    Order no. : 060120-4


    important hint:重點

    If we receive an order for a

    - vertical test table with automatic cycle sequence for longitudinal crack detection and

    - Shower and inspecting table

    we deliver both items in one unit !當立式臺及檢驗臺一起訂購時,兩個臺座組合在一起


    Item 6

    UV-high intensity lamp “UVL 400-A”紫外線燈具UVL 400-A

    - with halogen bulb 400 watts and continuous flat glass filter MUG-2

    - with cooling wywtem, with 2 cooling fans.二個冷卻風扇

     The cooling-air flow is guided between the outer housing and the reflector

    - Closed, high polish mirrowed polygon-reflector密閉式拋光反射器

    - with built-in choke and starter內裝變壓器

    - with switch “ON/OFF” on the cover of the housingON/OFF開關

    - with connection cable 2m long, with plug  2M長電線及插頭


    Technical data:

    Wave length                     : 315 nm to 400nm, max. 365nm(UV-A)

    UV-intensity                     :in measuring distance of 300mm min. approx. 12000uW/cm2

    Illuminated area                  :approx.600×200mm with full intensity

    Temperature                      :approx. 23°C on the inspectors side

    Mains connection                  :230V single phase

    Frequency                       :50/60 cycles

    Power consumption                 :1kVA(approx.)

    Dimensions                       :length=380mm, width=245, high=280mm

    Weight with cable                  :12kg(approx.)                   

    Order no. : 030136-2


    Spare parts for “UVL 400”紫外線燈用預備零件

    Item 7.1

    Halogen bulb, 400 watts,鹵素燈泡400W

    for UV-high intensity lamp                                        

    Order no. : 030140-2


    Item 7.2


    flate and square for UV-high intensity lamp,


              - length=280+0.5mm

              - width=210+0.5mm

              - high =3.5+0.2mm                                     

    Order no. : 030141-2


    Item 8


    made for one lamp                                              

    Order no. : 020320-2



    Item 9.1

    Darkening-booth, to be mounted on the right side of the shower and inspecting table,防光黑佈幕

    - 1 stand made from profile tubes, roof-construction made from steel-tubes;鋼管腳架

    - baldachin made of not-inflammable curtain,不可燃窗簾佈

    - front-part shift-able

    - dimensions       =   length   :2000mm

                         width    :2500mm

                         height    :2350mm                        

    Order no. : 020356-3


    Item 9.2

    Extraction fan for darkening booth,黑佈幕用抽風扇

    for good air inside the booth,

    - fan, mounted on steel-plate

    - labyrinth-hood

    - complete with electrical connection                                   

    Order no. : 020360-3


    Item 10

    Demagnet coils, table model “ES 150,230V”退磁線圈ES 150, 230V

    Standart design

    coil opening 150×150


    A     Execution特點

    - Coil, made from solid copper windings, covered with shock proofed plastic material.


    - The connection is made with a cable, 3m long, with plug 3M長電源及插頭


    B     The customer have to install

    - Socket, secured with a fuse, min. 4A

    - 1 master switch “ON/OFF”

    This items are not necessary, when the demagnetizing coil is used together with a conveyor belt ore with a

    stationary crack detector equipment!


    C     Function

    The demagnetizing coil works on a frequency of 50/60 cycles, therefore A.C. demagnetizing coils will be mostly used to demagnetize residual fields magnetized with A.C. magnetizing fields before.


    The work pieces will be demagnetized either

    - by hand moved through the demagnetizing coil

    - on a stainless steel sheet, tilted approx. 30°, by his own weight

    - laying on a transport carriage and manually pushed through the demagnetizing coil

    - laying on a motor driven conveyer belt.  This conveyer belt makes the transport through the demagnetizing coil.


    The molecular-magnets in the work piece will be changed, when the part is inside the coil.  The field direction will be at last the transport direction.

    When the coil is fed with 50/60 cycles A.C., the demagnetization effect is achieved by slowly drawing the test piece through the field of the demagnetization coil in the direction of the coil axis, max. speed approx. 150mm/sec.


    The end of the work piece should be in a distance to the coil end of min. 0.5m to 0.8m before unloading.

    A residual magnetism of approx. 4 to 5 A/cm(0.4 to 0.5 A/m) is allowed.

    D     Technical Data

    -  Coil opening                        : 150×150mm(approx.)

    -  Field strength in coil-center           : 98A/cm(approx.)

    -  Field strength on coil                : 130A/cm(approx.)

    -  Dimensions                       : Length ca. 150mm

                                      Width ca. 290mm with connecting box

                                           High ca. 265mm

    -  Mains connection                  : 230V, single phase

    -  Frequency                       : 50/60 cycle

    -  Duty cycle                       : 100%

    -  Power consumption              : 0.5 kVA(approx.)                

    Order no. : 050151-2


    Item 11

    Bracket for demagnetizing coil ES 150, 230V托架退磁線圈ES 150, 230 V

    - Made from welded steel profiles, mounted to the shower and inspecting table.燒附在檢驗平臺上

    - Covered with a stainless steel plate.覆背不銹鋼板

    - The bracket can be tilted to both sides for approx. 30°30°托架

    - The demagnetizing coil will be fastened on it by screws.                     


    Order no. : 060130-4


    Item 12

    ASTM centrifuge tube, with stand ASTM沉淀杯附腳架臺

    to check the powder quantity in the test solution檢查磁粉濃度               

    Order no. : 040103-4


    Item 13

    Test piece MTU-No.3 MTU-NO.3檢查磁粉液之指示功能

    to check the indication efficiency of the test material                             

    Order no. : 040102-4


    Item 14

    10×FLUX-concentrate KD-140 10瓶濃縮磁粉液KD-140

    yellow-green, particle size 3 um

    with rust-inhibitor, wetting agent and antiforrmer,

    free from halogens, chlorides, nitrite and silicone

    one bottle=1 litre for approx. 40 1water  

    Order no. : 090215-1


    Item 15

    2 detailed working instructions in English language貳本英文操作手冊,線路圖,零件表

    complete with:

    - wiring diagrams and part lists                                            

    - EC-declaration of conformity

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i