通 訊與IOS/Andriod手機采用藍牙無線方式通訊接輸入車型或者選擇已保存的車型,開始進入系統診斷功能支持OBD II/EOBD協議的車輛,讀故障碼、清除故障碼、讀數據流、讀凍結幀數據、車輛信息、氧傳感器測試、模式6測試、蒸發排放系統泄漏測試我的機表怠速模式控制電壓、進氣流量、即時油耗(靜態)、冷卻液溫度、點火提前角、發動機轉速 巡航模式車輛行駛時間、車輛行駛的平均速度、持續行駛裡程、平均油耗、車速 競技模式車速、冷卻液溫度、即時油耗(動態)、加速度、發動機轉速,擁有較為豐富的用戶體驗性能測試為用戶提供關心的車輛性能數據,如0到400米加速測試和加/減速測試設置用戶可以對速度、裡程、溫度和油耗單位進行設置,並對我的機表數據項進行配置。還可對油耗系數進行設置,默認值為1,可設置范圍在0.9-1.1范圍內歷史記錄保存用戶的測試數據,可保存的數據有:故障碼、數據流、凍結幀和我的機表中的數據信息讀取iobd2信息,可指導用戶進行wifi設置用戶界麵手機端軟件界麵人性化設計,與IOS/Andriod操作系統風格保持一致軟件兼容手機機型IOS/Andriod手機或IPAD,適合iphone、ipod操作系統在4.1版本以上的手持設備,安卓操作系統在2.3版本以上的手持設備 | Iphone/ipod touch安裝說明手機安裝 聯系我們 MSN:[email protected] skype:amy.xtooltech 手機:13692154135 座機:0755-83466752 |
iOBD2 MFI Bluetooth OBD2/EOBD Scanner for IOS and Android OS
Supported OBDII protocols:
1. ISO15765-4 (CAN)
2.ISO14230-4 (KWP2000)
4.J1850 VPW
5.J1850 PWM
Vehicle Compatibility
IOBD2 works with all 1996 and & newer model year cars and light trucks (OBDII & CAN)-domestic and import
Supported device and APP
Bluetooth communication has received MFi authorization and certification from the Apple.
OS | Device | Mode |
Apple iOS (Require iOS4.3 or later) | IPod touch | iPod Touch 1st generation,2ndgeneration,3rdgenaretion,4thgeneration |
iPhone | iPhone, iPhone 3, iPhone 3GS iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 | |
iPad | iPad, iPad 2,ipad 3,iPad Mini | |
Android (Require OS2.3 or later ) | All android smart phone and tablet |
Recommended APP: IOBD2 (Can search and download it in Apple store and Google Play Store)
Bluetooth Connection
IOBD2 can be connected with all devices based on Apple iOS and Android OS with Bluetooth, It is very reliable.
1, Diagnostic
The [Diagnostic] functions include (Picture 1):
Picture 1
[Reads DTCs]:Reads the current DTCs stored in the car engine and shows their detailed information.
[Clear DTCs]:Clears all the current DTCs.
[Live data]:Reads all the running parameters related to the ECU.
[Freeze frame data]:ECU will set DTCs and record the data stream of the car engine at the moment when emissions related faults occurred. And the data is called freeze frame data.
[Readiness test]:Shows the status of readiness test. Click Readiness test in the menu, the screen will display the test status of the car.
Support and complete: It means the car supports this test and has completed.
Support but incomplete: It means the car supports this test but has not completed.
Not supported: It means the car does not support this test.