尼龍材質適合用於做機械耐磨部位的配件,如:軸瓦、軸套、墊片、齒輪、滑輪、鏈輪鏈條及尼龍軸承及內外套支架、尼龍內齒套、尼龍螺栓、尼龍螺母等. 同時可按客戶圖紙要求進行加工.
尼龍絕緣性能優、具有耐磨 抗震、耐弱酸弱堿、熱傳導性低、無磁性、噪音底、無毒無味、有自潤滑性使用壽命長。
本廠始建於1986年,是尼龍件,塑料件專業生產廠,近年來堅持企業內部管理現代化,註重科學發展觀 ,視原料生產廠傢為夥伴,以現代化生產工藝及設備為基礎,以高科技人才為主力、視環境保護為生命,產品質量檢驗體系完善、達到國際ROHS標準. 產品種類涉及汽車、 農機、 火車、 輪船、動力與機械聯接用NL型聯軸器及尼龍聯接套、 工程機械、廣告機械、包裝機械、 民用機械 、化工建築機械 、煤炭機械、污水處理設備用尼龍鏈條鏈輪以及通訊電子、電力等多種行業用尼龍斜齒齒輪、直齒齒輪、傘齒輪、及滑輪、軸承輪、蝸輪、蝸桿,尼龍螺栓、雙頭螺桿、螺母、螺帽等各種異形尼龍件 塑料件的生產,產品種類達上萬餘種,產品以國內各生產廠傢配套為主,部分出口國外.
本廠宗旨:以質量求生存,以信譽求發展,本廠以雄厚的技術力量 精湛的生產工藝,竭誠為廣大客戶提供優質可靠的產品,在此歡迎新老客戶蒞臨指導,與各界朋友攜手並進共諜發展.
Hebei Guoyou Nylon Manufactory was established in 1986,it is specialized in producing nylon products and plastic products. There are million kinds of products,for example a variety of gearts, which mainly used on automatics,train, vessels ,agricultural mechines,engineer machines, building machines, coal mechines and the electric communication etc. Most of the goods are beening supplied to the domestic different company and some others are exported to oversea.
According to the modern equipment and the strict management, we could supply you the excellent goods , which have reached to ROHS international standard .
Welcome you to visit our mill and sincerely hope to establish a good and long cooperation relationship with you .