CF 型低噪音離心式鼓風機的工藝設計精良, 材質堅固, 性能穩定可靠, 降噪音效果顯著, 該機具有噪聲低, 效率高, 手偶名長, 安裝方便等特點, 廣泛適用於 電信,電力,電子,地址, 煤礦, 輪船, 造紙等行業等部門, 特別適用於塑料機械, 印刷機械, 曬圖機,烘乾機, 吹塑機及地下設施等場所的冷卻, 溫控和通風作用。
Model CF low noise centrifugal fan is of consummate craft and technological design , firm material stable and reliable performance ,outstanding noise , decrease effects , it has the featuress, such as low noise high efficiency , long life time , easy installation etc , it is widely applicable for the industrial and departments such as telecome , electric force , electric , eletronics , geology ,coal mine , steamboat , pater-making etc, it is esp. fit for the cooling , temperature-control , ventilation, function in th plastic , prnting machineries , copying machine, drying machine , blown machine, underground facilities etc.
機號(Nos.) 轉速 (r/min) 配用電機(kw) 風量(m³/h) 全壓(pa) 噪聲(dB(A)
CF-1 2800 0.09 240 330 ≤72
CF-2 2800 0.12 305 412 ≤72
CF-3 2800 0.18 405 450 ≤72
CF-4 2800 0.25 504 860 ≤75
CF-5 2800 0.37 660 850 ≤75
CF-6 2800 0.55 860 1020 ≤80
CF-7 2800 0.75 1200 1210 ≤82
CF-8 2800 1.1 1900-2500 1128-932 ≤84
CF-9 2800 2.2 3000-5000 1471-1275 ≤84
CF-10 2800 3.0 4500-7500 1580-1300 ≤85
另:也可按樣品,要求,定做。電源分:220/50hz 380V/50HZ , 110V/60HZ 等,
