耐高溫總成型號:PNP 30550 01 11
耐高溫單皮囊型號:A 3 1476 0B 27
• Bellows 皮囊: Various rubbers - ‘Chlorobutyl’ (High Temperature)耐高溫混合橡膠
• metal parts 金屬部件: mild steel, protected by zinc passivate and yellow chromate
Conditions of Use
Maximum Working Pressure : 8bar
Burst Pressure : 35bar
Maximum Angle between
Top & Bottom Plates : 15°
Maximum Axial Offset : 20mm
Operating Temperature
Chlorobutyl Rubber...
Minimum –25°C (-30°C Static)
Maximum +90°C (+115°C Static)
Precautions to Observe
Do not exceed stated stroke.
Do not inflate assembly when it is unrestricted.
Do not inflate beyond pressures stated without
prior consultation with Dunlop.
Respect maximum and minimum heights.
The bellows must be securely fixed.
Do not use without air pressure.
This bellow assembly can be completely dismantled.
