75W -500W車載逆變器,在車上為您提供高效能電力,使用簡單,連接到車上點煙頭或蓄電池,便可以把車上的DC12V直流電,轉換成傢用的交流電源220V或者110V輸出,讓您的汽車也可以擁有傢用AC交流電源,在車上享受傢用電器和移動商務辦公的便利。可為您的車載機器設備,照明燈具,電動工具,筆記本電腦,數位相片打印機,電動剃須刀,數位相機、手機充電,攝像機,手提音響,彩電,風扇等電器設備提供可靠的交流電源。
1. AC交流輸出插座,使用電器更多樣。
2. 鋁合金外殼堅固耐用。
3. 先進逆變電路設計,智能化溫控風扇。
4. 操作方便,安全可靠,運轉安靜無噪音,免維護。
5. 具有過載、過壓、低壓、過溫、短路智能安全保護功能。
5. 對逆變器和設備提供完整保護,不會損壞汽車。
7. 可對蓄電池提供低電壓保護,不會受損。
Product Description
Power inverter is the very solution to using electricity in the automobile,as the necessity for your travel, mobile office, outdoor work and special vehicle.It can convert 12V/24V DC of automobile to 220V/110V AC, and its output rated power is 75W. Appliance in automobile whose service power is less than 75W, and voltage is 220V or 110V AC can be used by the product.When the appliance whose service power is up to 200W please connect your carbattery with the inverters alligator clips directly, and do not use the car cigarette plug, lest the DC cable be burned.
It can be widely used with those electric equipment such as player MP3, player MP4,charge up cellphone,laptop computer,emergency lighting, electric fan, electric blanket, electric shaver,digital cameras,digital video,TV,CD,DVD,gamemachine,cleaner,refrigerator,electric light,charger and various kinds of professional tools.
產品型號 規格參數 | I-P-PI-100W |
額定輸出功率/ Continous Output Power(W) | 100(W) |
峰值輸出功率/ Max.Output Power(W) | 200 |
輸入電壓/ Battery Voltage(DC) | 10.5~15.0 |
輸出電壓/ Output Wave(AC) | 220V±3% |
輸出頻率/ Output Frequency(HZ) | 60HZ/50HZ |
USB通用接口輸出/ USB General Connector Output | 5VDC/500MA |
輸出波形/Output Wave | 修正弦波/ Modifed Sine Wave |
轉換效率/Convert Efficient | ≥90% |
輸出AC插座/Output AC Socket | 萬能插座/ Omnipotency Socket |
使用環境溫度/ Application Environment Temperature | -20~+40℃ |
尺寸/ Dimensions(L*W*H)(cm) | 10.5*7*4.6 |
顏色/ Clor | 白色或黑色/ White Or Black |
機身重量/ Net Weight(g) | 350g |
包裝材質/ Package Mterial | 鋁合金/Aluminum |
包裝方式/ Packing Means | 吸塑或彩盒/ Vacuum-Thermoform Or Color Box |
冷卻方式/ Cool System | 高速風冷/ High Speed Air Cooled |
全功能保護電路/ Buzzer AlarmForFiveProtections | 1、電池低量保護/ ShortcircuitProtection 2、電池低量警報/ Overload Protection 3、溫度保護/ Low Voltage Protection 4、短路保護/ Overvoltage Protection 5、過載保護/ Overheating Protecyion |
