- STC系列發電機適用於鄉村、城鎮、工地、山區及牧區等照明及動力的三相交流電源,也可作應急備用電源
- 發電機為防滴轉場式結構,防護等級IP21,絕緣等級B級或F級。
- 采用諧波勵磁系統,使用安全可靠,維護簡單方便。
- 發電機為三相四線制,采用帶有中性點的星形接法,額定線電壓400V,相電壓230V,頻率50HZ,功率因數0.8(滯後)。根據需要,也可提供60HZ及其他電壓值的發電機。
- 本系列發電機采用JB/T8981-1999標準制造。同時也符合IEC34-1標準
- STC Series generators are used in town,worksites,villages and pastures as electric power source for lighting purpose abd three AC power supply,it can also be reserved as emergence power source.
- The generators are drip-proof with rotary field type,IP21,Insulation Class:B or F,adopting harmonic excitation system,safe and reliable using,easy operation and maintenance.
- The generators are three-phase,four-wire type,adopting star connection with neutrak point.The rated line volage is 400V,phase voltafe 230V,frequebcy 50Hz,power factor 0.8(lag).We can provide 60Hz and the other voltafge's geberator according to the custimer's request.
- The genereators are made as per standard JB/T8981-1999.And in conformity to IEC34-1
型號 type | 功率 output | 電壓 voltage | 電流 current |
STC-8 | 8KW (10KVA) | 400/230 | 14.4A |
功率因數 power factor (cosØ) | 轉速 Speed (r.p.m) | 頻率 Freq.(Hz) | 極數 Pole number |
0.8 | 1500 | 50 | 4 |
