Yiwu Zhongke crafts is a professional manufacture, which mainly producing and marketing different kinds of paper crafts, party and festival celebrating items. Our main product are sky lantern, candle bag,confetti, party poppers,tissue paper,DIY Tissue Paper Pom Poms and all kinds of color paper environmental products.Our product are hot selling in many overseas countries. Welcome guests contact us from all countries.
義烏市眾客工藝品廠是一傢專業生產和銷售各類紙制工藝品和節日派對用品的義烏本土企業,主營各類紙制燈籠、紙花pom poms、紙麵具紙胡子,紙相框畫框相冊,紙帽子,紙繩、彩色包裝紙、紙盒紙袋CD紙袋、阻燃派對紙片紙屑、紙絲紙草紙條填充物、拉花拉字、紙積木等各種彩色紙質環保產品,產品遠銷海外各國,深受客戶的喜愛和好評,產品市場反應很好。我們產品質量優質,價格實惠,歡迎各位新老客戶前來洽談選購! http://www.zogke.com. http://zjywjkgy.1688.com QQ 65569702 季經理13516930433
聯系電話: 13516930433 咨詢QQ : 65569702