1.系列自動滴(滾)漆機(Armature Varnish Trickling Machine).主要應用在各種微型電機,傢用電器電機,串激電機,電動工具電機,轉子定子絕緣漆處理。 2.自動處理預熱、滴(滾)漆、(包封)凝膠、固化各工序全部過程(除裝卸外),保證產品性能一致性。滴漆采用蠕動泵進口齒輪調速電機驅動精度高,操作簡單,可靠性好,並節省絕緣漆, 3.自轉采用進口變頻調速技術,可根據不同轉子直徑調整自轉速度,從而達到比勻速更理想的掛漆量。 4.浸出的工件 有良好的機械和電氣性能。漆膜均勻,動平衡性能較好 。 5.烘道上、下兩層加熱,用隔熱體隔開,加熱采用輻射式,加熱管均勻放地上、下兩層,使烘乾區溫度均勻,上下可分別控溫,能耗比熱風循環式降低。從而達到省電節能升溫 快的效果。
The machine is used to varnish trickle for an armature windings and the relative electrical components.
Inside double tunnel, all the armatures can be moved forth and auto-rotated, thus getting an uniform varnish layer. The varnish thickness can be controlled by means of trickling time, pump speed, etc.. The work-piece is processed through reheating, balancing, trickling, flowing, gluing, solidifying in the equipment. Parameters can be regulated independently to meet the need of a variety usage.
The trickled armature is specified by uniform varnish film, deep permeation, fine edge covering and high hi-pot and surface quality.
Due to its high level of precision, stability, safety and efficiency. It is an ideal machine for micro-motor production line or single equipment manufacturing.
主要產品技術性能參數 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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註:特殊要求可以單獨設計、制造。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Remarks:Special requirements can also be met for design and manufacturing |
