品牌 | 潤宏勞保 | 功能 | 防油手套 |
材質 | 丁晴膠 | 型號 | DQ-10 |
長度 | 26(mm) | 類型 | 非一次性 |
Nitrile gloves features nylon liner, polyester seamless liner, linterlock liner and jersey liner. Many kinds of liners are available for your choice. All styles family provide workers with the highest level of comfort and breath ability. The all cotton soft jersey lining is comfortable and it adds a degree of warmth at low working temperatures. Our nitrile work gloves provide the user with a choice of tough industrial and general handling protection ensuring the right glove for the job.
Nitrile work gloves features and benefitsTough yet flexible, ideal for use in automotive, building and fabricationHeavy duty supported nitrile finishBoth palm coated or fully coated gloves available with knit wrist and safety cuffExcellent resistance to cuts, snags, punctures, abrasion, grease and oilNitrile coated gloves applicationsGeneral material handlingUtilitiesReceiving, light to medium fabricationAssembly and inspectionRough castingsSheet metal industriesConstructionAutomotive assembly, electronics assembly, small part handling and assemblyHeavy-duty handling of abrasive materialsRecyclingOil and gas industryFishing industryReferigerated areaRefining, miningWiring applications山東高密潤宏手套廠 地址:山東高密市朝陽街道芝蘭村工業園 聯繫人:冷超(總經理) 手機:13287175444 電話:0536-2582722 Q Q:1093463915 網址:http://www.gaomilaobao.com 山東高密潤宏(原麒麟)勞保用品廠位於勞保之鄉--山東高密市東部開發區。公司業務範圍輻射山東省及周邊省市地區,並遠銷土耳其,伊朗,美國,德國,波蘭,俄羅斯等國家,是一個規模較大的勞保生產企業。公司常年生產:各種紗線浸膠手套,尼龍PVC手套,尼龍丁晴手套,棉毛浸膠手套以及各種長短牛皮電焊手套。公司始終貫徹 “ 客戶至上、誠實守信 ” 的經營宗旨,嚴把質量關,竭誠為客戶提供優質服務。對於外地客戶,實行訂貨、發貨、結算一條龍服務,更好的為客戶提供物美價廉的勞保用品。願我們的服務給您的發展帶來新的動力,願我們共同努力開創美好的未來。總經理冷超熱忱歡迎新老客戶光臨惠顧,共創輝煌。 |
