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    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    北京到包頭物流公司/航空快運/航空運輸/航空貨運/航空空運/航空代理/航空物流 北京京柏順德物流有限公司成立于1996年,前身為北京京柏順貨運有限公司,是一家專業從事多式聯運、倉儲、配送、產品包裝、流通加工、信息處理及相關延伸業務一體化的第三方物流公司。以“顧客利益為最高利益”為原則,以“為顧客提供安全、價優、快捷、周到的物流服務”作為指導思想,以“追求卓越無止境,與時俱進創末來”為經營理念。通過不斷努力,迅速贏得了客戶的信任與好評。
    在大興經濟開發區全力打造北京北京市 “ 三地一港 ”的大背景下,北京京柏順德物流有限公司發揮自身優勢,努力為物流園區的發展聯系人:鞏蘭準  QQ:382594281 貿易通:jingbaishun MSN:[email protected]
    公司其他網站:www.jingbaishun.cn   www.usajbsd.com        
        www.jingbaishude.com            www.jingbaishun.com 
    Beijing capital under the logistics co, ltd was founded in 1996 shunde, to beijing capital 前身 cypress with freight, is a firm engaged in the multimodal transport, storage and distribution, circulation and packing process, information and related operations integration as third-party logistics company. "the interests of the highest interests of the principle" to "for the safety, promptness, considerate, the logistics service" as a guideline to the pursuit of excellence and creating chances by the end of the times " For business philosophy: through continuous efforts and confidence with clients from beijing. beijing cypress shunde logistics co at all levels of governments cares and support, on the staff of hard work, under 12 years of innovative development in beijing capital, founded under the logistics co., shunde cypress follow beijing, capital goods 柏順河 the wool products co., hong kong beijing 柏順德 ( ) international group co., and in the 30 cities in the public , Logistics and warehouse center of beijing. beijing office under the logistics co ltd, shunde is now owned assets more than 2,000 million yuan and had to join the president of the vehicle more than 300, 000 square metres with freight, office, and warehousing, distribution, 處理場 and logistics services in electronic information network. is beijing has the fastest growing transport services for enterprises. beijing capital under the logistics development of shunde, ltd. don't forget to return to society, in recent years, the enterprise for public welfare donations for nearly 20 million yuan. Beijing cypress shunde logistics, ltd. beijing will continue to promote innovation business model, with the help of the urban areas lead to greater development, the construction of the environment and logistics services to help build their corporate brands, the logistics industry, the norm for local economic development. due to economic development zone in deception creat the beijing municipal "three a port of the background, the beijing capital under the logistics co. shunde to your advantage to help the development of logistics park With the beijing capital, convinced that under the development of shunde's logistics co ltd at a new level, municipal and national economic development make more contributions. thanks again for having had helped beijing 柏順 friends, we are striving towards : beijing in china and the international market, beijing 柏順德 synchronization with the principle of the world, our real action to build the largest logistics enterprises. Deception economic development zone in the beijing municipal creat the "three in a port of the background, the beijing capital under the logistics co. shunde's advantage, and strive to develop the logistics park on the development of contacts : 鞏蘭準 qq : 382594281 tradelink : jingbaishun msn : jingbaishunde @ hotmail. Com公司其他網站:
    www.jingbaishun.cn (京柏順德(香港)國際集團)
           www.usajbsd.com   (京柏順德(香港)國際集團)
                 www.jingbaishun.com  (北京京柏順德物流有限公司

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