本公司專業生產SCQP系列氣動往復泵.該系列泵適宜壓送液化石油氣,二甲醚,氟裡昂等低沸點液化氣.還適宜輸送易燃易爆化學藥品.本系列泵有閉壓自停的特性,特別適宜作充裝泵[不需壓力回流裝置]. 該系列泵有如下型號:a 20型 流量20L/min 輸出壓力0.8-1.6mpa b 30型 流量30L/min 輸出壓力0.8-1.6mpa c 45型 流量45L/min 輸出壓力0.4-0.8mpa d 60型 流量60L/min 輸出壓力0.4-1.6mpa.
我公司生產的SCQP糸列氣動往復泵適宜抽送液化石油氣(丙/丁烷),二甲醚,F22及R134a等液化氣.其中SCQP-60型增壓氣動泵更適宜小型燃氣站及冷凍劑公司作傢用15KG液化石油氣瓶充裝泵,亦適合冷凍劑公司作30磅小瓶冷凍劑分裝的充裝泵.中山市志華機械有限公司遊志聯13129265385 0760-23331256
I produced the SCQP Series pneumatic reciprocating pumps are suitable for pumping liquefied petroleum gas (C / butane), dimethyl ether, F22 and R134a liquefied petroleum gas which type supercharger SCQP-60 pneumatic pump more suitable for small gas station and refrigerantcompany writer 15KG liquefied petroleum gas cylinder filling pump is also suitable for the refrigerant company for 30 pounds of the vial refrigerant dispensing pump filling. Zhongshan Zhihua mechanical Co., Ltd. Zhi United 13129265385 0760-23331256
