產品性能: Product Performance
1. 透氣: 特制的半透膜,能保持與皮膚同步呼吸,提供上皮細胞再生的濕潤環境,抑制痂皮生成,加快傷口愈合。
Breathable: Special semipermeable membrane,to breathe together with skin, to provide the moisture condition for epithelial recovery, restrain the generation of crusta and hasten wound recovery.
2. 透明:產品超薄透明,便於觀察傷口愈合情況,適於貼敷身體的任何部位,順應性好,舒適自然。
Transparent:: Ultra-thin, transparent,easy to observe the wound directly; suitable for any part of body with good compliance and comfort.
Waterproof and impermeable to bacteria: To keep bacteria out thus can reduce the infection;To keep water out to make you continue with shower and bath.
4. 低致敏,粘性適中:粘貼皮膚的醫用壓敏膠,粘性適中,不刺激傷口,揭除敷料時不傷皮膚。覆有網膜的吸水墊無粘性,網膜隻透濕,不吸濕,吸水墊能有效吸收滲出物,不粘貼傷口,揭除時無痛感。
Hypoallergenic and proper viscidity:
High quality medical pressure-sensitive adhesive ,proper Viscidity ,not hurt the skin when released from the skin. The absorbent pad covered with omentum without adhesive, omentum only breathable, does not absorb moisture, absorbent pad absorbs exudate effectively, do not paste the wound, no pain when exposed except.
產品用途: Usage
1. 留置針、靜脈導管的固定。Fixing and covering I.V catheter
2. 褥瘡、皮膚皸裂的預防治療。Preventing and curing minor burns, scald and bedsore.
3.供皮區的保護。Protecting donorsite of the skin
4.手術縫合後切口保護。Operation suture incision protection.
使用說明: Instruction
1. 將傷口清理消毒後,從包裝袋中取出敷料。
After cleaning the wound disinfection, take out of dressing from the bag.
2. 從印字麵一端的切縫處,揭去離型紙,露出膠麵。
From the printing surface at one end of the kerf, throwning off release paper, exposing the adhesive surface
3. 將膠麵貼到皮膚上,從中間向四周抹平。
The adhesive surface paste to the skin surface, smoothing from the middle to the surrounding.
4.揭去背麵離型材料。 Peel off the back of the type material.
註意事項: Note
1. 無菌,一次性使用。Sterile, disposable
2. 包裝袋破損禁止使用。The package is damaged to prohibit using
3. 不能代替縫合、止血、皮膚消毒等措施。
Not substitute for sutures, bleeding, skin disinfection and other measures.
4. 應選擇合適規格的敷料,保證其能牢固粘在傷口周圍乾燥健康的皮膚上,不得牽拉以造成張力,損傷皮膚。
Should select the appropriate size of the dressing, to ensure its firmly stuck around the wound dry and healthy skin, no stretch to cause tension da
