品牌 | YI | 型號 | YI-104 |
傳輸速率 | 10/100/1000Mbps | 總線類型 | USB |
適用網絡類型 | 以太網 | 傳輸介質 | RJ-45 |
端口類型 | RJ-45 | LED指示燈 | 紅 |
OEM | 可OEM |
USB1.1/2.0 寬帶以太網10-100Mbs The USB to 10/100 Fast Ethernet
Adapter provides plug-and-play 10/100Mbps dual
speed Ethernet connection for PCS, notebooks and laptops .This device complies with
USB Specifications 1.0 and 1.1,and uses a USB type A connector to conneter to the
USB host device drows power from the USB host bus, therefore no external
power supply is required. 執行USBV1.1/2.0標準,支持全雙工和半雙工的傳輸速度為10和
USB1.1/2.0 寬帶以太網10-100Mbs The USB to 10/100 Fast Ethernet
Adapter provides plug-and-play 10/100Mbps dual
speed Ethernet connection for PCS, notebooks and laptops .This device complies with
USB Specifications 1.0 and 1.1,and uses a USB type A connector to conneter to the
USB host device drows power from the USB host bus, therefore no external
power supply is required. 執行USBV1.1/2.0標準,支持全雙工和半雙工的傳輸速度為10和
