技術描述 Technical Description
A.主機 Machine:
Miracle series is the latest generation of Moving Bridge style high accuracy high speed Coordinate Measuring Machine from LEADER
Miracle serials combines single-point probing and analog scanning in a single high performance measuring machine also can equipped with contact and non-contact probe system. based on the new generation of controller combines and optimizes temperature and accuracy compensation systems and advanced algorithms to support high-speed, high-accuracy analog open and closed loop scanning.
結構特點 Design Characteristic
-固定花崗石工作臺,三軸導軌均采用優質 “泰山青”花崗巖,因而三軸具有相同的溫度特性和抗實效變形能力
- Granite fixed worktable, all three axes are made of high performance granite, good temperature characteristic, have the same coefficient of thermal expansion.
- Granite worktable with integral “dovetail” guide in Y axis, eliminate the pitch and yaw ,also provides superior motion stability.
- Z axis air-balance with self-protection ,improve motion capability.
- Advanced synchronous belt drive system with non-slip and high stiffness, ensures high stabilit, lower noise.
- High precise, rigid, and pre-loaded air bearings on all axes, can ensure the guidance never be damped
- Transmission system uses high-power DC servo motor and new double level tape reducer to ensure rapid and accurate axes
- RENISHAW steel scale
- Famous parts from all over the world are used in every important sub systems
Miracle NC564性能指標 NC685Performance Specifications
測量行程 Measuring Strokes: 600(mm) x800(mm) x4500(mm)
外形尺寸 Overall Dimension: 1350(mm) x 1550(mm) x 2300 (mm)
被測工件最大重量 Max part weight : 700 kg
分辨率 Resolution : 0.5(mm)
精度指標 (根據GB/T16857.2-1997等同於ISO 10 360測量機國際標準) Accuracy according GB/T16857.2-1997 equal ISO 10 360:
三維矢量速度:Moving speed : 520mm/s
測量的示值誤差 (Volumetric length measuring error) :E =2.1+3.3L/1000 [mm]
探測誤差 (Volumetric Probing Error):R = 2.2 mm
環境條件要求 Environment Specifications
測量機室溫度要求 Room required specifications
- 測量機室的溫度Average room temperature: 18 - 22 °C
- 機器周圍環境的最大溫度梯度Maximum thermal gradients:1 °C/小時,2 °C/天,1 °C/米,
- 供氣系統 Air supply system
- 最小供氣壓力 (Min. air pressure): 0.5 MPa
- 耗氣量 (Min. air consumption) : 0.1 m3/min
供電系統 Electrical requirements
- 電壓 (Voltage): 220 Vac ± 10%
- 頻率 (Frequency) : 50 Hz
- 電流 (Current): 10 A
允許的最大的地麵振動 Allowed Maximum Floor Vibration
- 頻率范圍 (Frequency Range): 0 ~ 19 Hz19~75 Hz> 75 Hz
- 振幅 (Maximum Amplitude): 0.0011 mm0.0011~0.002 mm0.002 mm
