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    供應酒店取電開關節電開關插卡開關感應卡開關 40A取電開關
    商品代碼: 3720923
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    Power –Saving switch function introduction


    功能特點:product features

    ♦ 取電開關是為酒店節能和安全設計的電源總控開關,具有節電、安全、可控等特點。

      The power –saving switch is the whole power controller ,it is full of the safety power –saving and easy-operating function .

    ♦ 取電開關的用電安全分析:如果客人沒有關閉房間內電器就外出,服務員又沒有註意到,電器的長期工作會引致電器本身的發熱,如果電器發熱過於厲害,會造成電器損壞,甚至引發火警。

    To analyze the switch safety : If the guests do not close in the room electrical appliances go out, waiter and paid no attention to, the work will lead to long-term electrical appliances itself if heating, electrical heating too much, can cause damage to electrical appliances, or even cause a fire.


    ♦ 采用取電開關的效益:The benefits of using the switch


    酒店采用取電開關,客人離開房間時,取走開門卡(客人一定要拔卡出來因為客人還要用這卡回來開門),節電開關延遲 15 秒後自動切斷酒店的電源,既可給酒店帶來直接的經濟效益(節省大筆電費),延長客房電器壽命,提升客房用電安全系數,又符合現代社會“環保節能”的號召。

     In hotel, when the guest leave the room, the guest take the card away (is necessary to take away the card for open the door when the guest comeback), the main power will be automatically cut off in 15 seconds.Can give the hotel to bring direct economic benefits (electricity savings), extended rooms electrical life, promote the room electricity safety coefficient, and consistent with the modern society" green energy" of the call.


    ♦ 識別多種卡片類型(RF / IC / MF1)更可識別房號、時間等信息,實現不同功能權限管理。

       Identification of multiple types of card ( RF / IC / MF1) can identify the room number, time and other information, to achieve different functions privilege management.


    技術參數:Technical parameter

    外殼材料:Casing material  阻燃ABS塑料

    拔卡延時:Extension of time 15秒

    負載電流Load operating current :30 / 40A(可根據客戶需求定制)can be customized

    工作電壓:working voltage  AC 110~240V

    負載功率:Load total output 6600W



    供應酒店取電開關節電開關插卡開關感應卡開關 40A取電開關_牆壁插座_插座_電工電氣_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i