- 主要參數
Main product specification
最大輸出功率 Max.output power | 輸入電壓 Input voltage | 最高輸出電壓 Output voltage | 誤差范圍 Combined regulation | 輸出電流 Output current | 誤差范圍Combined regulation |
90W | 220Vac | 14.4V+/-0.2Vdc | +/-0.2V | 4A | +/-0.2A |
- 環境條件
Environmental condition
序號No. | 項目Item | 技術參數 Technical specification | 備註Remark |
1 | 濕度Humidity | 5~95% | 帶包裝With package |
2 | 海拔Altitude | ≤3000m | 正常工作Work normally |
- 技術特征
Electrical characteristics
Input characteristic
序號No. | 項目Item
| 技術參數Technical specification
| 備註Remark
1 | 額定輸入電壓 Rated input voltage | 220Vac | 230Vac |
2 | 電壓輸入范圍 Input voltage range | 100 ~ 240Vac | |
3 | 頻率 AC input voltage frequency | 50~60 Hz |
Output characteristic or charge stages
序號 No. | 項目 Item | 技術參數 Technical specification | 備註 Remark |
1 | 恒流 CC(constant current) | ≤14.4Vdc,4A |
2 | 恒壓 CV(constant voltage) | 14.4Vdc, 4A↓ |
3 | 浮充Float stage | 無 |
4 | 效率 Power efficiency | ≥80% | 輸入電壓=230Vac,額定負載 Vin=230Vac,rated load |
Protection characteristics
序號 No. | 項目 Item | 技術參數 Technical specification | 備註 Remark |
1 | 過壓保護 Over voltage protection | 是 Yes |
2 | 限壓保護 Software over voltage protection | 充電器設置的最大輸出電壓不會超過電池的最大充電電壓。 The charger software limits the maximum output voltage to a level suitable for the connected battery system. |
3 | 過熱保護 Thermal protection | 是Yes |
4 | 限流保護 Current limiting protection | 是Yes | 恒流 At CC mode |
5 | 短路保護 Short circuit protection | 當輸出短路時充電器不能正常工作,輸出恢復正常,充電器可自行恢復。 Short circuit protection should be automatically recovery after remove the condition. |
6 | 反接保護 Reverse polarity protection | 當輸出線接反後充電器不會工作,直到使用者接正確後方可啟動。 When output wires are reversely connected to the battery the charger will not operate and will work normally when DC wires are correctly connected. |
Charging indicator
序號No. | 項目Item | 狀態Status | 備註Remark |
1 | 電源Power on | LED:紅燈 Red |
2 | 充電Charging | LED:紅燈Red |
3 | 充滿Fully charged | LED:綠燈 Green |
4 | 輸出電壓顯示 Charging Voltage Display | 否 No
5 | 輸出電流顯示 Charging Current Display | 否 No
- 安全性
Safety & EMC
序號 No. | 項目 Item | 標準(或測試條件) Standard (or test condition) | 備註 Remark | |
1 | 耐壓測試 Electric strength test | 輸入-輸出 Input-output | 1500Vac/10mA/1min | 無故障 No breakdown |
2 | 絕緣電阻 Isolation resistance | 輸入-接地 Input-ground | ≥10Mohm@500Vdc |
輸出-接地 Output-ground | ≥10Mohm@500Vdc | |||
3 | 泄漏電流Leakage current | <3.5mA | Vin=264Vac | |
4 | 低電壓測試 LVD | EN60335-1:2002+EN60335-2-29:2002 |
- 環境測試要求
Environmental testing requirements
序號 No. | 項目 Item | 技術參數 Technical specification | 備註 Remark |
1 | 最高工作溫度 High temperature ambient operating | +40℃ | 性能正常 Features OK |
2 | 最低工作溫度 Low temperature ambient operating | -10℃ | 性能正常 Features OK |
3 | 最高存儲溫度 High temperature storage | +70℃ | 在恢復正常溫度2小時後,充電器能正常工作。 Work normally after recovery under normal temperature for 2 hours |
4 | 最低存儲溫度 Low temperature storage | -40℃ | 在恢復正常溫度2小時後,充電器能正常工作。 Work normally after recovery under normal temperature for 2 hours |
5 | 隨機振動 Random vibration | 20Hz to 2000Hz 3Grms 20hours per axis |
6 | 重復震動 Repetitive shock | 40g peak 3 orthogonal axes, 3+ and 3- in each axis, 11ms pulse width |
7 | 熱沖擊 Thermal shock | -35℃to 75℃,<3min transition, 2.5hours dwell, 200cycle |
8 | 跌落測試 dro test | BS EN60068-2-32:1993 TEST ED: free fall appendix B |
- 機械特征
Mechanical characteristic:
Shell material: Aluminum
Outline dimension: L*W*H=135×90×50mm
Net Weight:0.5Kg
7.包裝,運輸方式和存儲方式Package, transportation & storage
8.可靠度需求Reliability requirements
MTBF (standard, environmental temperature, load requirement)≥50K hours;
testing condition: 25℃,full load, testing proved value.
Charging Curve
