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    超短 30cm Camera Link cable
    商品代碼: 3702288
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    超短 30cm Camera link cable  在機器視覺行業裡,有很多視覺視覺系統內部的鏈接,和之間的連接距離都比較短,所以我們特別推出一款超級短線,線材柔韌性特別好。很適合系統的內部短連接和短距離數據傳輸。接口處以螺釘固定,即使設備之間有移動或者搖擺,數據線也能穩穩的固定在設備上。

    焊線時,在連接器端,我們可以用26P MDR的母頭,也可以用26P的座子,根據用戶的需求生產,十分靈活。



    there's a lot of machine vision equipment and other stuff that use short interconnects,so we offer the very short Camera link cable, the shortest length at 0.1meter,use high flex cable body,it is very good for the short distance equipment connection and short distand high speed data transmission.


    Our China factory offer Camera link cable like:

    Standard Camera link (in stock,MDR Connector(Mini D Ribbon Cables));

    Mini Camera link to Standard Camera link;(SDR Connector(Shrunk Delta Ribbon Cables)Molded Mini Camera link Connector)

    Mini Camera link to Mini Camera link ;

    Power Over Camera  link (PoCL) (Mini Camera link Connector to Standard Camera link Connector);

    Power Over Camera  link (PoCL) (Standard Size Camera link Connectors on both ends);

    We manufacture custom Camera-link cables such as internal to external and molded female MDR connectors, including breakout cables with Camera-link to SCSI and D-Sub connectors.

    Camera-link cables including logos, ferrites, labels, bar-codes, and custom packaging can be made according customer's specification.

    • Female Internal or External

    • Female Molded Backshell

    • Female Thumbscrew or Standoff

    • Male Molded (takes logos) Backshell

    • Male Thumbscrew or Latch Backshell



    we also do customized data cables like one end withMDRFemale Internal connector   

    with Heat ShrinK  (Includes stand-offs for screw fastening)

    The other end: 26WAY Solder type MDR Plug

    The short Camera link Cables - Used in very high speed data transmission, frame grabber interfaces, the short distance equipment connection and short distand high speed data transmission etc.High Flexibility Cable Assemblies for Robotics and Industrial applications

    歡迎廣大用戶來電來函咨詢,email:[email protected]   Tel:+86-755-29703902

    更多產品信息please refer to website:www.donghootech.com 

    超短 30cm Camera Link cable_特種電纜_電線、電纜_電工電氣_貨源_批發一路發
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