上海酷鈴自動化設備有限公司秉承“精度準、效率佳、載荷重、安全高、服務優”的設計理念,一直自主致力於工業自動化搬運設備的設計、研發、生產和銷售。 產品廣泛應用於:鋼鐵、玻璃、木材、石材、塑料、金屬行業;食品、制藥、物流等包裝行業; 化工、電子、汽車及航空等行業。在致力於自主研發的同時, 借鑒和引進國外的先進技術及裝備並配備一支實力雄厚的技術和銷售團隊,為客戶提供高質量的產品和優質的個性化服務。
Shanghai CALLI Automation Equipment Co.Ltd Design concepts: great accuracy, high efficiency and carrying capacity, safe and good service. Dedicated to designing, researching & developing, producing and selling industrial automated conveying equipment. Beside independent research and development, we also refer and introduce advanced technology and equipment from abroad. Possess strong technical and sales teams. Provide high quality product and specialized services.Read more
