- 產品信息
- 名稱:硒化鋅ZnSe鏡片、ATR/鍺Ge/硫化鋅ZnS/藍寶石Sapphire等
- 品牌: RHYPEX
- 產品種類
0519-86050157 陳經理
便攜式黃金檢測機; 光學機器、光電子器件、激光機器、熒光分析機檢測設備及軟件; 計算機系統集成; 自營和代理各類商品及技術的進出口業務。
ZnSe is a preferred material for lenses, windows, output couplers and beam expanders for its low absorptivity at infrared
wavelengths and its visible transmission. For high-power applications, it's critical that the material bulk absorption and
internal defect structure be carefully controlled, that minimum-damage polishing technology be employed, and the highest
quality optical thin-film coatings are used. The material absorption is verified by CO2 laser vacuum calorimetry. Our
quality assurance department provides testing and specific optics certification on request. ZnSe optics are routinely
polished from 5 to 300 mm in diameter. Sizes in 300 mm diameter and 25 mm thick are manufactured to customer requirements.
ZnSe is non-hygroscopic and chemically stable, unless treated with strong acids. It's safe to use in most industrial,
field, and laboratory environments.
Optical Properties
Bulk Absorption Coefficient @ 10.6µm:<= 0.0005 cm-1
Temperature Change of Refractive Index @ 10.6µm:61 x 10-6/°C
Refractive Index Inhomogeneity @ 632.8 nm:< 3 x 10-6
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity @ 20° C:0.18 W/cm/°C
Specific Heat:0.356 J/g/°C
Linear Expansion Coefficient @ 20° C:7.57 x 10-6/°C
Mechanical Properties
Young’s Modulus:67.2 GPa (9.75 x 106 psi)
Rupture Modulus:55.1 MPa (8,000 psi)
Knoop Hardness:105-120 kg/mm2
Density:5.27 g/cm3
Poisson’s Ratio:0.28
Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) Prism Grade
We have the capability to grow prism grade ZnSe up to 2.50” thick. Prism grade ZnSe exhibits minimal refractive index
variations within the material on planes perpendicular to the growth direction as well as in other directions. Index
variations will test to less than 3 ppm at 0.6328 microns regardless of orientation. Prism grade ZnSe is commonly used in
thermal imaging systems. Call our technical sales staff to discuss your specific requirements for material greater than
2.50” thick.
Refractive index variation less than 3 ppm @0.6328µm in all directions
Consistent optical performance independent of orientation
Thickness to 2.50"
E-mail:[email protected]
