
  • 批發熱銷美國Dylos PM2.5監測機
    商品代碼: 3603605
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    一個真正的激光塵埃粒子計數器2尺寸范圍(> 0.5> 2.5微米) -小(細菌,黴菌等),大(花粉等)DC1700是我們的改進,電池供電的空氣質量監測。和以前的機型一樣,它的功能,讓室內空氣質量的監測技術和工程。LCD屏幕提供瞭小(> 0.5微米)和大(> 2.5微米)顆粒物濃度隨著一個動態的條形圖,顯示瞬時粒子活度。與早期的模型中有多種模式,包括分鐘,每小時,每天和監測,以評估空氣質量,而且還包括以下改進: 電池操作 DC1700有一個內置電池,可提供高達6小時的連續使用(一個或多個天典型的用法),單次充電。也可以進行操作的DC1700關閉交流使用墻上適配器 PC接口包括 PC接口是標準的DC1700,但得到改善,因為存儲的數據是隨著時間的輸出。這個數據是輸出的格式準備好加載到電子表格程序如Excel進行進一步的圖形或分析。一個9針串口電纜或USB-COM端口適配器(不含稅)的需要,以鏈接的DC1700到您的PC或筆記本電腦。 大容量內存 的DC1700的增加內部記憶體它可以存儲起來,以一個星期的時間戳記記錄的數據每分鐘(約10,000個樣本)。這意味著,DC1700可以留在的位置采樣,然後使其中的數據可以被下載到PC並裝入Excel或其他電子表格程序,用於分析。 實時時鐘 的DC1700有一個實時時鐘,它是用來時間標記存儲的內部存儲器中的數據。的DC1700的前麵板上,用戶可以設置時間和日期,很容易從 EMI屏蔽包括 像DC1100-PRO-EMI屏蔽電磁乾擾,DC1700。這意味著DC1700計算準確,即使在靠近乾擾源,如工業機械,熒光燈,高壓電源在一些空氣凈化器的快速更新 DC1700,DC1100-PRO快速更新功能 - EMI標準。這意味著,DC1700讀數將回應充分粒子濃度的變化,在6秒鐘內。 



    Product Description


    A true Laser Particle Counter with 2 size ranges (>0.5 & >2.5 microns) - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.) 

    The DC1700 is our improved, battery operated air quality monitor. Like earlier models it features technology and engineering that allow monitoring of indoor air quality. The LCD screen provides small (>0.5 micron) and large (>2.5 micron) particle concentrations along with a dynamic bar graph showing instantaneous particle activity. Like earlier models in has multiple modes including minute, hour, day and monitor to evaluate your air quality, but also includes the following improvements: 

    Battery Operation 

    The DC1700 has an internal battery which provides up to 6 hours of continuous use (one or more days of typical usage) on a single charge. The DC1700 can also be operated off AC using the included wall adapter 

    PC Interface Included 

    The PC Interface is standard with the DC1700, but is improved because the stored data is output along with the time it was taken. This data is output in a format ready to load into a spreadsheet program such as Excel for further graphing or analysis. A 9pin serial cable or USB-to-COM Port Adapter (not included) is needed to link the DC1700 to your PC or laptop. 

    Large Internal Memory 

    The DC1700 has an increased internal memory which can store up to a week's worth of time-stamped data recorded every minute (about 10,000 samples). This means that the DC1700 can be left in a location sampling and then brought to a PC wher the data can then be downloaded and loaded into Excel or other spreadsheet programs for analysis. 

    Real Time Clock 

    The DC1700 has a real time clock which is used to time stamp the data in stored internal memory. The user can set the time and date easily from the front panel of the DC1700. 

    EMI Shielding Included 

    Like the DC1100-PRO-EMI, the DC1700 is shielded against Electro-Magnetic Interference. This means the DC1700 will count accurately even in close proximity to sources of interference, such as industrial machinery, flourescent lights, and high voltage power supplies found in some air purifiers. 

    Rapid Update 

    The DC1700 will have the rapid updat feature of the DC1100-PRO-EMI as standard. This means that the DC1700 readings will respond fully to a change in particle concentration within 6 seconds. 



    批發熱銷美國Dylos PM2.5監測機_在線監測儀_環境檢測儀器_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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