寶馬 西雅特 福特 MINI 捷豹 奔馳 大眾 利亞納 逍客 07款力帆
520 卡羅拉 08款騏達 三菱翼神 樂風 思域 雅閣 豐田RAV4 長城新哈
弗2.4L汽油版 08款威馳 雨燕 夏利A+ 天雨sx4 11款朗逸 馬自達5
克萊斯勒 道奇 謳歌 比亞迪F3/F0 奇瑞 09款奧拓 福克斯11款 德爾福
MT20U2 江淮同悅 鈴木 本田 豐田 馬自達 三菱 尼桑 斯巴
魯 01奔馳w203 陸虎 雪佛蘭 斯柯達 英菲尼迪 起亞 現代 吉利
熊貓 05凱越 奧迪 薩博 歐寶 雪鐵龍 標致 沃爾沃 菲亞特
長城哈弗H5 2.0T 老款愛麗舍16V 比亞迪G3 09款起亞福瑞迪手動1.6
福克斯07款 07款別克君越 長城騰翼C30 卡羅拉2010款 05年雪佛萊
賽歐 長城酷熊 斯柯達昊銳1.8t 206 1.6 蒙迪歐 威麟V5 長城凌傲
2010新愛麗舍 一汽夏利N5 1.3 豐田瑞志 雪鐵龍C2 馬自達3 新飛度
04款別克賽歐 東南V3菱悅2010 標致206 1.4 樂騁 大眾CC 新賽歐 朗逸
英菲尼迪FX35 04年凱越1.6LX 花冠EX 等等。
ISO14230-4 (KWP2000)
J1850 VPW
J1850 PWM
LED指示燈:OBD 發射/接收, RS232 發射/接收,電源
操作電壓: 12V,(帶短路/過電壓保護功能)產品功能:
圖型介麵軟體常用的有:Scantool, Scanmaster, Proscan, PcmSCAN, Digimoto,也可以使用超級終端機搭配AT指令使用。安裝與使用說明:
3、將ODB-Ⅱ電纜與ELM327連接。此時,電源燈(power)會亮,ODB TX/RX燈會閃爍,說明連接正常。
4、將USB連接線把ELM327與電腦連接起來。此時電腦會提示發現新硬件,按照電腦提示好安裝光盤內或網絡下載的USB驅動程序。進入電腦的“設備管理器”點擊端口,你會發現新安裝的硬件“USB Serial Port”,記下右邊的COM號。(該COM號將在下一步的軟件設置中用到)
ELM327 is the latest PC-based scan tool. It supports all OBD-II protocols and is dispatched with a number of compatible programs. The processor is an ELM327. The output protocol (connection to laptop) is USB.
Processor: ELM327.
OBD-II Software for ELM327 is a free program that allows you to use your PC and a hardware interface to get the information from your car's computer.
The program is very user-friendly, and easy to learn. It is also very easy to install:
simply extract the files into a folder on your computer's hard drive, and you're ready to go. To uninstall the program, simply delet the entire contents of the folder wher the program resides.
The software supports two platforms - DOS and Windows.
OBD-II Protocols:
- ISO15765-4 (CAN)
- ISO14230-4 (KWP2000)
- ISO9141-2
- J1850 VPW
- J1850 PWM
Output protocol: RS232
Baud rate: 9600 or 38400
Indicator LEDs: OBD Tx/Rx, RS232 Tx/Rx, Power
Operating voltage: 12V, internal protection from short circuits/overvoltages
Nominal idle current: 45 mA
The program lets you perform the following operations:
Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and manufacturer-specific, and display their meaning (over 3000 generic code definitions in the database).
Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light)
Display current sensor data, including:
- Engine RPM
- Calculated Load Value
- Coolant Temperature
- Fuel System Status
- Vehicle Speed
- Short Term Fuel Trim
- Long Term Fuel Trim
- Intake Manifold Pressure
- Timing Advance
- Intake Air Temperature
- Air Flow Rate
- Absolute Throttle Position
- Oxygen sensor voltages/associated short term fuel trims
- Fuel System status
- Fuel Pressure
- Many others...
Upcoming Features:
- Data graphing and logging
- Freeze frame data
- Continuous and Non-Continuous Oxygen Sensor test results
Free software:
- GM Mode 22 Scan Tool by Terry
- OBD Gauge for PalmOS and Pocket PC by Dana Peters
- OBD Logger by Jonathan Senkerik
- OBD-II ScanMaster by Wladimir Gurskij (ScanMaster 3.52 - local copy)
- obd2crazy.com
- OBD2 Scantool by Ivan Andrewjeski
- OBDII for ELM322 by David Huffman
- pyOBD by Donour Sizemore for MacOSX and Linux
- RDDTC by Pete Calinski
- Real Scan by Brent Harris
- ScanTest for Pocket PC by Ivan Ganev aka a-ser
- wOBD by WDT
Package includes:
One elm327 USB interface
One CD software
